The ids 2009 Archive by date
2009 Archives by date
Starting: Tue Jan 6 15:10:17 UTC 2009
Ending: Thu Dec 17 22:34:04 UTC 2009
Messages: 232
- IDS> Expanded Agenda for Jan. 8 CC
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> Expanded Agenda for Jan. 8 CC
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> Updated PWG HCD Health Assessment Attributed document
Jerry Thrasher
- IDS> Jan 8 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> next telecon
Randy Turner
- IDS> next telecon
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> TNC IF-TNCCS: Protocol Bindings for SoH
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> Reminder: IDS CC this Thursday
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> IDS Wiki page
Nevo, Ron
- IDS> Notes about Network Time
Nevo, Ron
- IDS> Notes about Network Time
Randy Turner
- IDS> NAP SSOH required attributes
nchen at
- IDS> Jan 22 and updated Jan 8 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> Jan 22 and updated Jan 8 teleconference Minutes now available...
Randy Turner
- IDS> Too many Hardcopy plug-ins for NAP
Ira McDonald
- IDS> IDS Wiki page
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> IDS Wiki page
Nevo, Ron
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Brian Smithson
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Randy Turner
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Ira McDonald
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Brian Smithson
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Brian Smithson
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Randy Turner
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Ira McDonald
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Randy Turner
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Randy Turner
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Ira McDonald
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Randy Turner
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Ira McDonald
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Randy Turner
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Randy Turner
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> IDS Wiki page
Nevo, Ron
- IDS> NAP binding spec new draft
Nevo, Ron
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Randy Turner
- IDS> NAP binding spec new draft
Brian Smithson
- IDS> NAP binding spec new draft
Randy Turner
- IDS> Min_Cipher_Suite and Min_Cipher_Key_Length attributes
Brian Smithson
- IDS> NAP binding spec new draft
Brian Smithson
- IDS> NAP binding spec new draft
Randy Turner
- IDS> Updated PWG HCD Health Assessment Attributed document
Jerry Thrasher
- IDS> IDS Wiki page -was updated
Nevo, Ron
- IDS> NAP binding spec new draft
Brian Smithson
- IDS> NAP binding spec new draft
Randy Turner
- IDS> IDS CC this Thursday (1.22.9) and 1:00 PM EST
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> New SOH document
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> MS NAP for other platforms
Randy Turner
- IDS> Schedule of TechNet chats in 2009 for NAP and NPS
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> Secure/authenticated Time
Nevo, Ron
- IDS> Fwd: NAP for hardcopy-class devices and MFPs
Randy Turner
- IDS> NAP binding document specification example
Brian Smithson
- IDS> presentation style choices
Brian Smithson
- IDS> presentation style choices
Ira McDonald
- IDS> NAP binding document specification example
Ira McDonald
- IDS> content & presentation style choices
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> content & presentation style choices
William A Wagner
- IDS> ms contact info
Randy Turner
- IDS> Feb 5 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> Updated PWG HCD Health Assessment Attributes document
Jerry Thrasher
- IDS> New NAP Binding Specification now available ...
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> IDS Feb. 2009 F2F Meeting Slides Now Available
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> New IDS slide deck including Time presentation
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> New IDS slide deck including Time presentation
Ira McDonald
- IDS> New IDS slide deck including Time presentation
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> New IDS slide deck including Time presentation
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> Updated PWG HCD Health Assessment Attributes document
Jerry Thrasher
- IDS> Feb 18 face-to-face meeting Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> Comments on NAP binding document
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> IDS: Thursday's CC canceled
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> IDS: Thursday's CC canceled
Nevo, Ron
- IDS> WG Last Call for Attributes Specification
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> CC this Thursday - 3/12
Dave Whitehead
- Fw: IDS> WG Last Call for Attributes Specification -- EXTENDED
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> yet another MS-SOH update
Brian Smithson
- IDS> Mar 12 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> FW: [Nea] Starting WGLC for PA-TNC and PB-TNC
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> FW: [Nea] Starting WGLC for PA-TNC and PB-TNC
Randy Turner
- IDS> FW: [Nea] Starting WGLC for PA-TNC and PB-TNC
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> FW: [Nea] Starting WGLC for PA-TNC and PB-TNC
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> FW: [Nea] Starting WGLC for PA-TNC and PB-TNC
Randy Turner
- IDS> Posting of high-level attribute doc to NEA
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> Posting of high-level attribute doc to NEA
- IDS> Minutes of TCG HCWG phone call
Randy Turner
- IDS> Minutes of TCG HCWG phone call
Ira McDonald
- IDS> Minutes of TCG HCWG phone call
Randy Turner
- IDS> More on NEA PT/TNC IF-T
Randy Turner
- IDS> Minutes of TCG HCWG phone call
Ira McDonald
- IDS> Minutes of TCG HCWG phone call
Randy Turner
- IDS> Minutes of TCG HCWG phone call
Ira McDonald
- IDS> Minutes of TCG HCWG phone call
Randy Turner
- IDS> IDS Conference Call this Thursday
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> Mar 26 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> Last call on IDS attributes document
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> Last call on IDS attributes document
Randy Turner
- IDS> minutes from April 8 2009 TCG HCWG charter discussion teleconference
Randy Turner
- IDS> minutes from April 8 2009 TCG HCWG charter discussion teleconference
Brian Smithson
- IDS> minutes from April 8 2009 TCG HCWG charter discussion
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> minutes from April 8 2009 TCG HCWG charter discussion teleconference
Randy Turner
- IDS> minutes from April 8 2009 TCG HCWG charter discussion teleconference
William Wagner
- Fw: [2600] IDS> minutes from April 8 2009 TCG HCWG charter discussion teleconference
Randy Turner
- IDS> Agenda for IDS CC this Thursday
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> [IDS] I'm moving the Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Attributes document
to PWG Last Call
Dave Whitehead
- IDS> Comments on PWG HCD Health Attrs
Stephen Hanna
- IDS> test to ids please ignore
Jerry Thrasher
- IDS> MS NAP questions
Randy Turner
- IDS> Apr 16 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- IDS> NAP Questions for Microsoft
Randy Turner
- IDS> [Fwd: [hc_wg] Apr. 29th TCG Hard Copy Work Group Bi-Weekly Teleconference]
Brian Smithson
- IDS> Updated HCD-NAP draft posted
Brian Smithson
- IDS> Re: [hc_wg] Apr. 29th TCG Hard Copy Work Group Bi-Weekly Teleconference
Brian Smithson
- IDS> Re: [hc_wg] Apr. 29th TCG Hard Copy Work Group Bi-Weekly
Amir.Shahindoust at
- IDS> dial-in information for the HCWG conference call this evening
Brian Smithson
- IDS> meeting minutes from today's TCG HCWG teleconference
Brian Smithson
- IDS> [Fwd: RE: [hc_wg] Apr. 29th TCG Hard Copy Work Group Bi-Weekly Teleconference]
Brian Smithson
- IDS> [Fwd: RE: [hc_wg] Apr. 29th TCG Hard Copy Work Group Bi-Weekly Teleconference]
Randy Turner
- IDS> Fw: Notice of Change to June 2009 F2F meeting dates (new dates June 23-25, 2009)
thrasher at
- [IDS] Apr 29 face-to-face meeting Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] Re: IDS> Disposition of Comments on PWG HCD Health Attrs
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] No CC this week
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] Minutes from TCG HCWG conference call, May 13 2009
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] RE: IDS> Disposition of Comments on PWG HCD Health Attrs
Stephen Hanna
- [IDS] Agenda for Conference Call this Thursday
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] IDS> MS-NAP response from F2F posted
Mike Fenelon
- [IDS] Updated PWG HCD Health Assessment Attributes document
Jerry Thrasher
- [IDS] Minutes from 5/21 conference call?
Randy Turner
- [IDS] Minutes from 05/21/2009 IDS call posted
Jerry Thrasher
- [IDS] Fw: Minutes from 05/21/2009 IDS call posted
Jerry Thrasher
- [IDS] IDS CC this Thursday: Agenda attached
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] Link to W3C XML Schema Part 2 (datatypes)
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] Add IDS Health Attributes to System object in SM/2.0
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] Jun 4 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] Glen Petrie's Edits/Suggestions for IDS Attributes Doc
Petrie, Glen
- [IDS] Glen Petrie's Edits/Suggestions for IDS Attributes Doc
Petrie, Glen
- [IDS] IDS CC this Thursday
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] LCRC version of PWG HCD Health Assessment Attributes document
Jerry Thrasher
- [IDS] Jun 18 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] 6/18 teleconference call minutes
Randy Turner
- [IDS] 6/18 teleconference call minutes
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] updated NAP binding document
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] updated NAP binding document
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] 6/18 teleconference call minutes
Randy Turner
- [IDS] comments on binding spec.
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] Post-Last Call WD version of PWG HCD Health Assessment Attributes document
Jerry Thrasher
- [IDS] CertificationState and remote attestation
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] CertificationState and remote attestation
Randy Turner
- [IDS] CertificationState and remote attestation
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] Jun 23 face-to-face meeting Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] Conference Call this Thursday
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] IDS> Final MS-NAP responses to PWG Questions posted
Mike Fenelon
- [IDS] IDS meeting July 20, 2009 ...
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] Jul 9 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] [correct URL] Jul 9 teleconference Minutes now available...
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] IDS meeting July 20, 2009 ...
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] IDS CC Today at 4:00 PM EST
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] IDS CC Today at 4:00 PM EST
Randy Turner
- [IDS] IDS CC Today at 4:00 PM EST
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] IDS CC Today at 4:00 PM EST
Randy Turner
- [IDS] Any minutes of 20 July concall?
William Wagner
- [IDS] Jul 20 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] 30 July ConCall?
William Wagner
- [IDS] 30 July ConCall?
Nevo, Ron
- [IDS] questions for MS meeting
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] IDS-Microsoft F2F meeting agenda
Nevo, Ron
- [IDS] IDS-Microsoft F2F meeting agenda
Randy Turner
- [IDS] IDS-Microsoft F2F meeting agenda
Nevo, Ron
- [IDS] attribute document
Randy Turner
- [IDS] PWG IDS attributes doc
Randy Turner
- [IDS] attribute document
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] attribute document
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] IDS> conf call this Thursday - 8/5
Nevo, Ron
- [IDS] updated NAP binding spec for review
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] Microsoft F2F agenda
Nevo, Ron
- [IDS] Aug 6 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] updated NAP binding spec posted
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] updated NAP binding spec posted
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] updated NAP binding spec posted
Randy Turner
- [IDS] updated NAP binding spec posted
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Randy Turner
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Randy Turner
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Randy Turner
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Randy Turner
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Randy Turner
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] HCD_PSTN_Fax_Enabled attribute
William Wagner
- [IDS] agenda bashing
Randy Turner
- [IDS] Randy's updated draft of the NEA binding document
Jerry Thrasher
- [IDS] PWG F2F meeting to re-convene at 1:00 PM
Jerry Thrasher
- [IDS] Updated NAP IANA attributes registration table
Murdock, Joe
- [IDS] NEA and HCD_Firmware_Name
Dave Whitehead
- [IDS] My action item from Seattle
Randy Turner
- [IDS] Aug 18 face-to-face meeting Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] IDS Call this week?
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] IDS> conf call this Thursday - 9/3/09
Nevo, Ron
- [IDS] current nea mapping doc
Randy Turner
- [IDS] Sep 3 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] Sep 3 teleconference Minutes now available...
Randy Turner
- [IDS] CIM SoftwareIdentity class - OS type, firmware, BIOS, etc.
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] IDS> conf call this Thursday - 9/17/09
Nevo, Ron
- [IDS] IDS> NAP/SCCM mapping worksheet posted
Murdock, Joe
- [IDS] IDS> New update to the IDS NAP Binding document posted
Murdock, Joe
- [IDS] IDS> New update to the IDS NAP Binding document posted
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] IDS> New documents posted
Murdock, Joe
- [IDS] Sep 17 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] IDS> conf call this Thursday - 10/1/09
Nevo, Ron
- [IDS] Oct 1 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] F2F and plenary slides are available for review
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] Oct 15 face-to-face meeting Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] Reminder - IDS Call - Thursday 29 October 1pm EDT
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] IDS> Conference call This Thursday 10/29/09
Murdock, Joe
- [IDS] reminder: conference call on Thursday November 12, 1PM EST / 10AM PST
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] reminder: conference call on Thursday November 12, 1PM EST / 10AM PST
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] PWG document template
Randy Turner
- [IDS] Nov 12 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] next version of NEA mapping document
Randy Turner
- [IDS] FTP Postings
William Wagner
- [IDS] Fw: ids post from rturner at requires approval
Jerry Thrasher
- [IDS] Fw: Latest NEA Mapping document
Jerry Thrasher
- Fw: [IDS] Fw: ids post from rturner at requires approval
Jerry Thrasher
- [IDS] Fw: ids post from rturner at requires approval
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] reminder: conference call on Thursday December 3, 1PM EST / 10AM PST
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] IDS slides for December 2009 PWG F2F
Murdock, Joe
- [IDS] Updated IDS slides for December 2009 PWG F2F
Murdock, Joe
- [IDS] Dec 3 teleconference Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
- [IDS] updated NAP spec posted for review at the PWG-IDS F2F on December 9
Brian Smithson
- [IDS] Updated slides
Murdock, Joe
- [IDS] Invitation to TCG Hardcopy WG call - 15 December 2009
Ira McDonald
- [IDS] Dec 10 face-to-face meeting Minutes now available...
Farrell, Lee
Last message date:
Thu Dec 17 22:34:04 UTC 2009
Archived on: Thu Jul 25 16:43:43 UTC 2013
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).