IDS> Expanded Agenda for Jan. 8 CC

IDS> Expanded Agenda for Jan. 8 CC

Dave Whitehead david at
Tue Jan 6 10:10:17 EST 2009

FYI ... let me know if you have something to add to the agenda.



David H. Whitehead
Development Engineer
Lexmark International, Inc.


PWG IDS Conference Call: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 1:00 PM EST 
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-866-469-3239 
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-650-429-3300 
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): 1-408-856-9570 
Attendee access code: (by request only)


(1) Identify minute taker (Lee)

(2) Meeting conducted under rules of PWG IP Policy

(3) Review/approve minutes from PWG Dec. 15 CC

(4) Review Action Items


ACTION: Randy Turner will post the Microsoft name(s) for the PWG to make 
contact with regard to logo requirements. 
ACTION: Joe Murdock will add NAP protocol information to document and 
update the conformance section. 
ACTION: Brian Smithson will update and re-write the Network Access 
Protection Protocol 
Binding document, taking into account the comments from the October 
meeting and 
the comments that Dave Whitehead has posted. 
ACTION: Ron Nevo and Dave Whitehead will update the IDS Wiki pages to 
reflect current status. 

ACTION: Jerry Thrasher will attempt to re-write the definitions of 
“resident” and “downloadable”. 
ACTION: Joe Murdock will include sequence diagrams as illustrative 
examples for the NAP binding document. 


ACTION: Randy Turner will try to find other contacts that would be willing 
to work with the PWG to help deploy NEA health assessment. (Juniper, 
Symantec, Cisco are suggested candidates.) Is someone willing to sit down 
with the PWG and “have discussions”? 


ACTION: Peter Cybuck will examine the NIST standards for insight or 
material on secure time. 
ACTION: Dave Whitehead will examine the NTP standard (RFC 4330) for 
insight or material 
on secure time. (There is a reference to MIL-03 which should be followed.) 

ACTION: Randy Turner will follow up with Microsoft to ask if they will 
recognize a class plug- 
in for NAP. 


(5) Other/New Items

        How to proceed with MS profile of NAP

        NEW:Secure Device Identifier (IEEE P802.1AR/D1.9)

        Abstract: A secure device identifier (DevID) is cryptographically 
bound to a device, and supports         authentication of the device’s 
identity. Locally significant identities can be securely associated with 
an initial manufacturer provisioned DevID, and used in provisioning and 
authentication protocols to     allow a network administrator to establish 
the trustworthiness of a device and select appropriate  policies for 
transmission and reception of data and control protocols to and from the 

        Document Review Comments


(6) Next Steps / Next Meetings
        Subsequent teleconferences are scheduled for January 22, and 
February 5. 
        Thursdays at 1:00 PM EST.
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