PWG 5100.x: Internet Printing Protocol

PWG 5100.1-2022: IPP Finishings v3.0 (FIN) May 27, 2022

This document defines new “finishings” and “finishings-col” Job Template attribute values to specify additional finishing intent, including the placement of finishings with respect to the corners and edges of portrait and landscape documents.

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PWG 5100.2-2001: IPP "output-bin" attribute extension Feb 7, 2001

This document defines an extension to the Internet Printing Protocol/1.0 (IPP/1.0) [RFC2566, RFC2565] & IPP/1.1 [RFC2911, RFC2910] for the OPTIONAL “output-bin” (type2 keyword | name(MAX)) Job Template attribute. This attribute allows the client to specify in which output bin a job is to be placed and to query the Printer‘s default and supported output bins.

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PWG 5100.3-2023: IPP Production Printing Extensions v2.0 (PPX) Jan 31, 2023

This specification defines attributes used for imposition, layout, and printing of covers, insert sheets, separator sheets, and different kinds of job sheets in high-volume “production” environments.

This specification was previously titled the “IPP Production Printing Attributes - Set 1”.

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PWG 5100.5-2024: IPP Document Object v1.2 (DOCOBJECT) May 17, 2024

This specification defines the IPP Document object and its associated attributes, values, group, and operations.

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PWG 5100.6-2003: IPP Page Overrides Oct 31, 2003

This IPP specification extends the IPP Model and Semantics [rfc2911] object model by relaxing the restriction that each attribute value is the same for all pages within a Document. For example, with this extension, page 1 of a job could have a different media than the other pages in the job.

This extension supports page Overrides by adding a new Job Template attribute: “overrides”. Each ‘collection’ value contains attributes that identify the attributes to Override and their associated values as well as the range of pages for the Override. The range of pages is specified by the “document-copies” attribute and the “pages” attribute to allow Overrides of pages in specific copies of the document.

This specification obsoletes 5100.4-2001, “Override Attributes for Documents and Pages”.

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PWG 5100.7-2023: IPP Job Extensions v2.1 (JOBEXT) Feb 10, 2023

This specification defines the “media-col” Job Template attribute and extends the Job management, monitoring, and processing capabilities of IPP.

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PWG 5100.8-2003: IPP "-actuals" Attributes Mar 13, 2003

This document defines an extension to the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) (RFC2911, RFC2910) for the OPTIONAL “-actual” set of Job Description attributes that correspond to Job Template attributes defined in IPP. These “-actual” attributes allow the client to determine the true results of a print job regardless of what was specified in the Create-Job or Print-Job operation.

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PWG 5100.9-2009: IPP Printer State Extensions v1.0 Jul 31, 2009

This document defines the new IPP Printer attributes “printer-alert” and “printer-alert-description” plus extensions to the IPP Printer attribute “printer-state-reasons” (defined in RFC 2911) and to the IANA Printer MIB textual convention “PrtAlertCodeTC” (originally published in RFC 3805) as follows:

(a) A standard encoding of all of the machine-readable columnar objects in the ‘prtAlertTable’ defined in IETF Printer MIB v2 (RFC 3805) into substrings of values of the new IPP Printer “printer-alert” attribute defined in this document.

(b) A standard encoding of the localized ‘prtAlertDescription’ columnar object in the ‘prtAlertTable’ defined in IETF Printer MIB v2 (RFC 3805) into values of the new IPP Printer “printer-alert-description” attribute defined in this document.(c) A standard mapping between the device errors and warnings in the ‘PrtAlertCodeTC’ textual convention defined in IANA Printer MIB and existing or new values (as needed) of the IPP Printer “printer-state-reasons” attribute defined in IPP/1.1.

(d) A standard mapping between the finishing subunit types in the ‘FinDeviceTypeTC’ textual convention defined in IANA Finisher MIB (originally published in RFC 3806) and new specific values of the ‘PrtAlertCodeTC’ textual convention defined in IANA Printer MIB and new values of the IPP Printer “printer-state-reasons” attribute defined in IPP/1.1, for high fidelity support of finishing alerts.

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PWG 5100.11-2024: IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0 (EPX) Mar 15, 2024

This specification defines the conceptual Job Release, Job Storage, Job Print Policy, Job Proof and Suspend, and Job Proof Print features for IPP, to support printing workflows important to institutional IT environments such as corporate businesses, governments, and universities.

This specification was previously titled “IPP Job and Printer Extensions - Set 2”.

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PWG 5100.12-2015: IPP 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Oct 30, 2015

This specification defines the IPP 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 protocol versions. Each version defines a minimum set of supported IPP extensions to simplify development and interoperability of IPP Client and Printer implementations.

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PWG 5100.13-2023: IPP Driver Replacement Extensions v2.0 (NODRIVER) Mar 1, 2023

This specification defines new attributes, values, and operations to support features, capabilities, localization, and status information that traditionally could only be provided by vendor- or model-specific drivers.

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PWG 5100.14-2020: IPP Everywhere™ v1.1 May 15, 2020

This specification defines an IPP profile that supports network printing without vendor-specific driver software, including the transport, various discovery protocols, and standard document formats.

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PWG 5100.15-2014: IPP FaxOut Service Jun 18, 2014

This standard defines an IPP extension to support the PWG Semantic Model FaxOut service over IPP.

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PWG 5100.16-2020: IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions v1.1 (TRANS) Mar 27, 2020

This document defines extensions to the Internet Printing Protocol that support the business transaction logic needed for paid and quota-based printing through local and commercial services.

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PWG 5100.17-2014: IPP Scan Service (SCAN) Sep 18, 2014

This document defines an IPP extension that implements a protocol binding of the PWG Semantic Model Scan service over IPP.

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PWG 5100.18-2015: IPP Shared Infrastructure Extensions (INFRA) Jun 19, 2015

As network infrastructure has become more complex, the traditional client-server model of printing is no longer sufficient to describe the interactions between the IPP Client and IPP Printer. This document defines an IPP Binding of the Cloud Imaging Model that allows IPP Printers to interface with shared services based in the network infrastructure, i.e., software-defined networks, and/or through Cloud-based solutions to remotely obtain and process Jobs and Documents, and provide state and configuration changes to those services.

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PWG 5100.19-2015: IPP Implementor's Guide v2.0 (IG) Aug 21, 2015

This document updates and extends “Internet Printing Protocol/1.1: Implementor‘s Guide” (RFC 3196) for all IPP protocol versions.

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PWG 5100.20-2020: IPP Everywhere™ Printer Self-Certification Manual v1.1 (SELFCERT) May 15, 2020

This document defines IPP Everywhere™ v1.1 Printer self-certification test procedures and the process required for PWG Members to register the test results on the PWG web site in order to use the “IPP Everywhere™” logo.

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PWG 5100.21-2019: IPP 3D Printing Extensions v1.1 Mar 29, 2019

This specification defines an extension to the Internet Printing Protocol and IPP Everywhere that supports printing of physical objects by Additive Manufacturing devices such as 3D printers.

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PWG 5100.22-2019: IPP System Service v1.0 (SYSTEM) Nov 22, 2019

This specification defines an IPP binding of the System object, System Control Service, Resource Service, and registration operation as defined in various Semantic Model specifications (PWG 5108.06, PWG 5108.03, and PWG 5109.1).

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PWG 5101.x: Registrations

PWG 5101.1-2023: PWG Media Standardized Names v2.1 (MSN) Sep 15, 2023

This document defines standard colorant and media names and naming conventions to be used by other PWG specifications. These lists of names are a superset of the names that are defined in the Printer MIB v2 (RFC 3805) and various Internet Printing Protocol documents

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PWG 5101.2-2004: PWG RepertoireSupported Element Feb 1, 2004

In traditional printing environments, clients rely on font downloads when they are not sure a given character is embedded in the printer. As printing moves to small clients, downloading may not be an option and clients have a need to know what characters are available in a given device.

There are many published named character repertoires, and a small client will not know about them all.

To improve operability, this document defines semantics and naming conventions to allow a printer to advertise what repertoires it supports.

The primary target of this document is printing using document formats based on XML or HTML (for example, XHTML-Print). It will be less applicable to traditional PDLs (PCL, PostScript, etc.) because they tend to have very format-specific mechanisms for managing character repertoires.

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PWG 5101.4-2004: Universal Printer Description Format May 26, 2004

This document describes the concept of a Universal Printer Description Format and the set of schemas it is based on. The schemas describe input for a driver/client to assemble general information about the device and its features, to be used in user interfaces or for printing.

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PWG 5102.x: File Formats

PWG 5102.1-2003: XHTML(tm)-Print Mar 31, 2003

HTML 4 is a powerful language for authoring Web content, but its design does not take into consideration issues pertinent to printers, including the implementation cost (in power, memory, etc.) of the full feature set. Printers have relatively limited resources that cannot generally afford to implement the full feature set of HTML 4.

Because there are many ways to subset HTML, there are many almost identical subsets defined by organizations and companies. Without a common base set of features, developing print applications for a wide range of printers is difficult.

XHTML-Print‘s targeted usage is for printing in environments where it is not feasible or desirable to install a printer-specific driver and where some variability in the formatting of the output is acceptable.

The document type definition for XHTML-Print is implemented based on the XHTML modules defined in the W3C’s Modularization of XHTML.

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PWG 5102.2-2003: CSS Print Profile Mar 31, 2003

This specification defines a subset of the Cascading Style Sheets Level 2 specification with additions from the proposed features of Paged Media Properties for Cascading Style Sheets Level 3, to provide a strong basis for rich printing results without a detailed understanding of each individual printer‘s characteristics.

It also defines an extension set that provides stronger layout control for the printing of mixed text and images, tables and image collections.

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PWG 5102.3-2004: Portable Document Format: Image-Streamable (PDF/is) Mar 15, 2004

This document specifies an application of PDF (Portable Document Format) that has two important properties: First, it is an “image”-based format, and proper rendering of the document is represented by (binary or color) images. Second, the format is suitable for incremental generation and thus it is a “streaming” format. The subset is called “PDF/is”, for “PDF Image-Streamable”.

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PWG 5102.4-2012: PWG Raster Format Apr 20, 2012

This specification defines a simple raster format to support printing, scanning, and facsimile without printer-specific driver software on resource-limited clients and printers. The format includes support for a set of standard and device color spaces and bit depths, and defines PWG Semantic Model elements and IPP attributes that enable a client to generate or request a supported raster stream.

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PWG 5104.x: Print System Interface

PWG 5104.2-2005: Print System Interface Feb 25, 2005

The Print Service Interface is the set of interfaces and methods that enable a Client, such as a Printer, Mobile Device, Web Portal, or Service, to create a Print Job on a Print Service. The Print Service may be used to resolve and access the information to be printed.

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PWG 5105.x: Semantic Model v1

PWG 5105.1-2004: Semantic Model v1 Jan 20, 2004

This document is a high level overview of the Semantic Model defined by the PWG. This document briefly describes the semantic elements defined in various PWG documents and PWG documents submitted to the IETF. The Semantic Model also incorporates additions made by other groups addressing print systems. With every semantic element included a reference is provided to the document and section that details the semantic definition.

The Semantic Model contains a high level description of the Actions that operate on the objects and attributes in the model. This document does not describe the mapping of the semantics onto a specific protocol or network environment.

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PWG 5106.x: Workgroup for Imaging Management Services (WIMS)

PWG 5106.1-2007: PWG Standardized Imaging System Counters Apr 27, 2007

This document defines the usage counters for an Imaging System, such as a network spooler, a printer or a multifunction device, and the services such a system offers. This document does not describe mapping of these semantics to XML Schema, MIB or any protocol. Such mappings may be provided in separate documents.

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PWG 5106.2-2006: Web-based Imaging Management Service Apr 21, 2006

This specification defines the abstract Web-based Imaging Management Service (WIMS) protocol. This specification defines five operations initiated by a WIMS Agent (embedded in services or devices), largely in support of Schedule-oriented remote management: RegisterForManagement (Agent allows management by an identified WIMS Manager); and UnregisterForManagement (cancel Agent association with a given WIMS Manager); GetSchedule (request a Schedule of planned actions); SendReports (send normal operational message); and SendAlerts (send warning or error exception message). This specification also defines four operations initiated by a WIMS Manager to support more conventional local management: BeginManagement (Manager requests ability to manage an identified Agent); EndManagement (Manager cancels association with Agent); SetSchedule (send a Schedule of planned actions with their timetables); ExecuteAction (execute the single identified action). This specification also defines sets of monitoring, management and administration actions that can be included within a Schedule. Transport bindings for the WIMS protocol are identified in the appendix.

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PWG 5106.3-2008: PWG Imaging System State and Counter MIB 2.0 Mar 18, 2008

This document defines the PWG Imaging System State and Counter (ISC) MIB v2.0 that supports monitoring of system-, service-, and subunit-level state and counters on imaging devices (dedicated systems) and imaging servers (multipurpose systems). The ISC MIB can be used for fleet management, enterprise billing, field service, and other applications. The ISC MIB is entirely freestanding, but it also facilitates use of the IETF Host Resources MIB [RFC1514] [RFC2790] and IETF Printer MIB [RFC1759] [RFC3805] for imaging device and imaging server monitoring. The ISC MIB was developed by the PWG‘s Web-based Imaging Management Service (WIMS) project and is based on the PWG Imaging System Counters specification [PWG5106.1].

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PWG 5106.4-2011: PWG Power Management Model for Imaging Systems 1.0 Feb 14, 2011

This document defines an abstract PWG Power Management Model for Imaging Systems (Printers, Copiers, Multifunction Devices, etc.) that extends the abstract System and Subunit objects in the PWG Semantic Model.

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PWG 5106.5-2011: PWG Imaging System Power MIB v1.0 Feb 14, 2011

This document defines the PWG Imaging System Power MIB (for Printers, Copiers, Multifunction Devices, etc.) that extends IETF MIB-II [RFC1213], IETF Host Resources MIB v2 [RFC2790], IETF Printer MIB v2 [RFC3805], IETF Finisher MIB [RFC3806], and PWG Imaging System State and Counter MIB v2 [PWG5106.3].

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PWG 5107.x: MIB Workgroup

PWG 5107.1-2005: PWG Printer Port Monitor MIB v1.0 Oct 25, 2005

This document defines the PWG Printer Port Monitor (PPM) MIB v1.0 that supports printer status monitoring, automatic installation of device drivers, and other printing applications. The PPM MIB is entirely free-standing, but it also facilitates use of the IETF Host Resources MIB (RFC1514 / RFC2790) and IETF Printer MIB (RFC1759 / RFC3805) for printer status monitoring.

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PWG 5107.2-2010: PWG Command Set Format for IEEE 1284 Device ID v1.0 May 31, 2010

This document defines a standard format for the COMMAND SET capability in an IEEE 1284 Device ID [IEEE1284], for use: (a) by Imaging Systems (Printers, Copiers, Multifunction Devices, etc.) to encode their supported document formats; and (b) by Imaging Clients (workstations, mobile devices, spoolers, etc.) to decode these Imaging System supported document formats, to enable automatic device driver installation and subsequent Imaging Job submission.

This document also defines the IPP Printer Description attribute “printer-device-id” which contains an IEEE 1284 Device ID and corresponds one-to-one with the ppmPrinterIEEE1284DeviceId object

defined in the PWG Printer Port Monitor MIB [PWG5107.1].

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PWG 5107.3-2019: PWG MFD Alerts v1.1 (MFD Alerts) Apr 12, 2019

This document defines an update to the IANA-PRINTER-MIB (originally published in RFC 3805) to provide support for SNMP alerts in a multifunction device (MFD) and an equivalent update to IPP “printer-state-reasons” [STD92] and IPP “printer-alert” [PWG5100.9].

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PWG 5108.x: Semantic Model v2

PWG 5108.01-2011: PWG MFD Model and Common Semantics v1.0 Apr 15, 2011

This specification presents the concepts, semantics and structure of a generalized model of the hardcopy imaging services provided by a Multifunction Device (MFD), a hardcopy device also known as a Multifunction Peripheral (MFP), a Multifunction Printer (MFP) or an All-in-One. This specification is both an overall introduction to the PWG MFD Model and a description of concepts and Elements common to several MFD Services. It is intended to serve as an orientation to the separate PWG specifications defining the MFD Model. The root Element of an MFD, (i.e., System) and the individual MDF Services (e.g., Copy, Print) are more appropriately covered in their own specifications. This MFD Model and Common Semantics specification is technically aligned with a named version of the PWG MFD XML Schema.

For purposes of this modeling, the services that may be performed by an MFD are: Print, Scan, Copy, FaxIn, FaxOut, EmailIn, EmailOut, Transform and Resource.

This Document defines:

  • The overall MFD model including the terminology and concepts used in the MFD Service models.
  • The models of an MFD Service, Job and Document
  • The “Imaging Service” complex Elements, representing structures appearing in several Services but because of XML Schema restrictions, not instantiated in any Service; the appropriate Services have parallel structures that include some Service-specific Elements.
  • The Elements common to several Services, eliminating the need to repeat these definitions in each Service specification.

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PWG 5108.02-2009: PWG Network Scan Service Semantic Model and Service Interface v1.0 Apr 10, 2009

Network print devices have evolved to support additional multifunction services, in particular Scan Service. When network Scanners are installed in local office or enterprise networks, they need remote service, device, and job management capabilities so that administrators, operators, and End Users can monitor their health and status. In addition, such network Scanners need remote request for job creation capabilties so that operators ane End Users can create Scan Jobs without depending entirely on local console interfaces.  This document defines and semantic model for service, device, and job management and request for job creation for these network Scanners.

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PWG 5108.03-2009: PWG Network Resource Service Semantic Model and Service Interface v1.0 Jul 3, 2009

When network Multifunction Devices are installed in local office or enterprise networks shared by large groups of users, the ability to provide resources such as job tickets pre-configured with user’s intent (Job Resource), professionally prepared Logos, Fonts, Forms, etc, that can be reused by user’s jobs is very important for office document productivity. This specification defines a Resource Service that provides operators and users a convenient way to remotely store, manage resources so that they can be retrieved and shared later through job creation requests to other services of network Multifunction Devices.

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PWG 5108.04-2011: Copy Service Semantic Model and Service Interface v1.0 Jun 10, 2011

Network print devices have evolved to support additional multifunction services, in particular FaxOutService. When FaxOut Devices are installed in local office or enterprise networks, they need remote service, device, and job management capabilities so that administrators, operators, and end users can monitor their health and status. In addition, such FaxOut Devices need remote job submission capabilities so that operators and end users can create FaxOut Jobs without depending entirely on local console interfaces. This document defines a semantic model for service, device, and job management and job submission for these FaxOut Devices.

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PWG 5108.05-2011: FaxOut Service Semantic Model and Service Interface v1.0 Aug 9, 2011

Network print devices have evolved to support additional multifunction services, in particular FaxOutService. When FaxOut Devices are installed in local office or enterprise networks, they need remote service, device, and job management capabilities so that administrators, operators, and end users can monitor their health and status. In addition, such FaxOut Devices need remote job submission capabilities so that operators and end users can create FaxOut Jobs without depending entirely on local console interfaces. This document defines a semantic model for service, device, and job management and job submission for these FaxOut Devices.

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PWG 5108.06-2012: System Object and System Control Service Semantics v1.0 Feb 17, 2012

Network print devices have evolved to support additional functions. The Multifunction Device (MFD) includes one or more services such as print, scan, copy and facsimile. The MFD Model and Common Semantics [PWG5108.1] extends the original PWG Semantic Model v1 [PWG5105.1] from printing to all of the services that typically may be performed by an MFD. We refer to a device hosting one or more of these services as an Imaging Device.

The [PWG5108.1] model extension requires a root element to represent the Imaging Device and to move the print service to be one of the hosted imaging related services. The root of the data model is the System Object. The System Object represents the Imaging Device. The System Object contains the elements that represent the Imaging Device status, description and services. The extension of the model includes bringing in elements that until now were primarily accessed via SNMP. This includes the configuration (i.e., Subunits) and conditions that are represented in the Printer MIB [RFC3805] as entries in the Alert Table (i.e., prtAlertTable). The System Object’s elements contain information that is not visible via any individual service. For example the Imaging Device total usage counters, all conditions from every service, and all Subunits.

The Imaging Device hosts a number of services. Many of these services are document related such as print, scan and copy. This specification defines the SystemControlService. The SystemControlService is needed to start (create) services and to restart services that have been previously shut down. It is desirable to be able to monitor and manage an Imaging Device as a whole or all the document related services at once. The Imaging Device’s SystemControlService provides this functionality.

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PWG 5108.07-2012: PWG Print Job Ticket and Associated Capabilities Version 1.0 (PJT) Aug 1, 2012

This specification provides the Job Ticket and Capabilities for the Print Service. The Print Service Capabilities are supplied by the Print Service to inform the prospective Print Job Request submitter of the PrintJobTicket elements and element values supported by the Print Service. The PrintJobTicket is supplied by the client, along with Document Data, in a Print Job Request to indicate User intent for the Print Job. The Print Service contains a default PrintJobTicket that provides defaults when the corresponding element is not included with a PrintJob Creation Request.

The PrintJobTicket datatype is used by several elements including those that: represent the defaults of the Print Service, represent the user intent in a PrintJob Creation Request, and within the resulting Job Object representing the accepted print intent. A closely related datatype, the Print Service Capabilities, represents which PrintJobTicket elements are supported and what values are permitted. The PWG Semantic Model PrintJobTicket datatype, the associated Print Service Capabilities datatypes and their various instantiations are represented as a subset of the PWG Semantic Model v2 XML Schema. This specification also identifies certain Print Service Description elements relate to formatting the Document.

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PWG 5109.x: Cloud Imaging Model

PWG 5109.1-2015: Cloud Imaging Requirements and Model (IMAGINGMODEL) Jun 19, 2015

This document outlines the requirements of and defines a model to support imaging services using the Cloud, based on the PWG Semantic Model. The IPP Binding for this model is described in IPP Shared Infrastructure Extensions [PWG5100.18-2015].

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PWG 5110.x: Imaging Device Security

PWG 5110.1-2014: PWG Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Attributes May 29, 2014

This standard defines a set of attributes for Hardcopy Devices (HCDs) that may be used in the various network health assessment protocols to measure the fitness of a HCD to attach to the network.

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PWG 5110.2-2013: PWG Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Network Access Protection Protocol Binding (HCD-NAP) Apr 1, 2013

This standard is one part of a set of documentation that defines the application of security policy enforcement mechanisms to imaging devices. This document specifies how the Microsoft Network Access Protection (NAP) protocol is to be used, along with the set of health assessment attributes created especially for HCDs, to allow access to such devices based upon the locally defined security policy.

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PWG 5110.3-2015: PWG Common Log Format (PWG-LOG) Jun 26, 2015

This standard defines a common log format for hardcopy device events that can be used with existing logging protocols such as SYSLOG. While the focus of this format is on security and auditing of devices, it also supports logging of arbitrary events such as those defined by the IPP Event Notifications and Subscriptions (RFC 3995) specification.

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PWG 5110.4-2015: Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Trusted Network Connect Binding (HCD-TNC) Dec 4, 2015

This document defines a concrete protocol binding over TCG TNC / IETF NEA (technically equivalent) of the abstract PWG Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Attributes (PWG5110.1) for initial network endpoint health assessment (at time of network attachment) and periodic network endpoint health assessment (at runtime) of Imaging Devices.

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