Our members include printer and multi-function device manufacturers, print server developers, operating system providers, print management application developers, and industry experts. We make printers, multi-function devices, and the applications and operating systems supporting them work together better.
The PWG has defined an IPP extension for 3D printing using standard file formats and an associated XML print job ticket format.
Print to any network or USB printer without using special software from the manufacturer.
Support multiple network protocols and job ticket formats using our abstract model.
PWG Standards define all of the common network protocols used by your printer.
PWG Candidate Standard 5100.5-2024: IPP Document Object v1.2 (DOCOBJECT) has been approved.
The 2024 IPP workgroup charter has been approved.
The PWG Call for Objections of the IPP Document Object v1.2 update has begun.
The PWG Call for Objections of the updated IPP Workgroup Charter is underway.
Candidate Standard 5100.11-2024: IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0 (EPX) has been approved. This specification defines the conceptual Job Release, Job Storage, Job Print Policy, Job Proof and Suspend, and Job Proof Print features for IPP, to support printing workflows important to institutional IT environments such as corporate businesses, governments, and universities.
This specification was previously titled “IPP Job and Printer Extensions - Set 2”.