161 article articles found, showing 91 to 100:

PWG Last Call of IPP Finishings 2.1 (FIN) (concluded) Nov 14, 2016

The PWG Last Call of the IPP Finishings 2.1 (FIN) specification has begun. This document defines new “finishings” and “finishings-col” Job Template attribute values to specify additional finishing intent, including the placement of finishings with respect to the corners and edges of portrait and landscape documents.


August 2016 PWG Face-to-Face Meeting - Summary Aug 29, 2016

On August 23-24, 2016, the Printer Working Group held a PWG Face-to-Face meeting at Sharp Labs‘ facilities in Camas, WA. We discussed in-process updates to the PWG Process, IPP and the Semantic Model, and considered issues involving Common Criteria certification and the HCD Protection Profiles.


PWG to Present on Industry Standards for 3D Printing at drupa 2016 May 31, 2016

Paul Tykodi, PWG IPP WG Co-Chair, will represent the PWG at drupa 2016 and will present June 4 and June 6, 2016 at the Drupa 2016 international printing conference on its new standard for communicating 3D print jobs and status over a network and how open standards for protocols and file formats can accelerate the development of 3D printing ecosystems.


Summary of April 2016 Face-to-Face Meeting May 23, 2016

The Printer Working Group recently held a face-to-face meeting in Boise, ID on April 26-28, 2016, in partnership with with The Linux Foundation OpenPrinting Workgroup. We discussed updates to and important issues in the broad Linux printing universe, and reviewed several drafts of in-progress specifications.


Planned Maintenance of PWG Servers: March 4, 2016 (concluded) Feb 22, 2016

We have rescheduled the required maintenance on the PWG web, FTP, and mail servers to this Friday, March 4, 2016 starting at 9am ET/6am PT.

Expected downtime is approximately 4 hours.


PWG Approved: IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification Manual v1.0 (SELFCERT) Feb 22, 2016

PWG Candidate Standard 5100.20-2016: IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification Manual v1.0 (SELFCERT) has been approved. This document defines IPP Everywhere Printer self-certification test procedures and the process required for PWG Members to register the test results on the PWG web site in order to use the “IPP Everywhere” logo.


Summary of February 2016 Face-to-Face Meeting Feb 17, 2016

The Printer Working Group recently held a face-to-face meeting in Sunnyvale, CA on February 10-11, 2016. We discussed current and future liaisons with other standards groups and reviewed several drafts of in-progress specifications.


PWG February 2016 Face-to-Face Meeting (concluded) Jan 25, 2016

The February 2016 face-to-face meeting will be held on February 10 to 11, 2016 at Apple‘s facilities in Sunnyvale, CA. Topics will include 3D Printing, the PWG Semantic Model, and IPP System Service.

Please register to attend before February 3, 2016 to allow Apple to accommodate all attendees.


PWG Formal Vote of IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification Manual v1.0 (SELFCERT) (concluded) Jan 19, 2016

The PWG Formal Vote of the IPP Everywhere Printer Self-Certification Manual v1.0 (SELFCERT) specification is now underway. The voting period ends February 19, 2016.


PWG Formal Vote of IDS Workgroup Charter (concluded) Dec 7, 2015

The PWG Formal Vote of the update IDS workgroup charter is now underway. The voting period ends January 15, 2016.
