Great work, thank you.
My one comment: Please remind me... Assuming this proposal is approved,
where will the result be recorded? In what publicly accessible place does
the PWG always maintain the list of approved extensions to the enums?
Thanks again,
Date: Wed, 27 May 1998 10:37:35 PDT
From: Ron Bergman <rbergma at>
To: pwg-announce at
cc: Lloyd Young <lpyoung at>
Subject: PWG-ANNOUNCE> Last Call: New Printer MIB Enums for FIN MIB
The Finisher MIB has defined several new enumerations to be added to
the PrtAlertGroupTC and the PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC. These are being
added to the Textual Conventions in the Printer MIB, rather than
creating new TCs exclusively for the Finisher MIB, because the
Finisher MIB is defines as an extension of the Printer MIB and these
new enums logically belong within the above named groups.
This announcement is a last call for comments regarding the addition
of these new enumeration values.
All comments should be directed to the PWG-ANNOUNCE mail list.
The last call for comments will close on June 12, 1998.
1. Alert Group enumerations: