[IPP] printing job with different finishings

[IPP] printing job with different finishings

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Sun May 12 23:41:49 UTC 2024

Hi Michael,

On 13/05/2024 00:55, Michael Sweet wrote:
> The Client would be ipptool.  And a wireshark/tcpdump dump might be useful along with the output of:
>      ipptool --ippserver printer.conf PRINTER-URI get-printer-attributes.test
> where "PRINTER-URI" is the URI you are using for the printer.  The "--ippserver" option creates a dump of the attributes...

I've created a public repository on GitHub. I've already commited the 
printer attributes; I'll add the job-files and network dumps later.


As you can see in L304, "finishing" isn't listed here, but "pages" and 
"sides" are. I've tried to keep these two MEMBERs only. It resulted in 
the same error.

Please do not be surprised about "Xerox Standard Accounting is enabled." 
and the error message that remote maintenance cannot be reached - this 
has no effect on printing.

It's ~01:40 AM here, sorry if the uploads won't come for a few hours ;)

Thanks for your time!

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