RE: XP> [CSS3 Print] New feature proposal: 'fit' and 'fit-position'

From: Elliott Bradshaw (
Date: Thu Sep 14 2006 - 11:07:45 EDT

  • Next message: Elliott Bradshaw: "RE: XP> [CSS3 Paged Media] Page collapsing"

    Zoran supports this extension. It would make handling photos in various
    situations, including cropping and bleeding, more straightforward than
    current methods.


    Best regards,

    Elliott Bradshaw




    From: [] On Behalf Of Grant,
    Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 8:58 PM
    Subject: XP> [CSS3 Print] New feature proposal: 'fit' and 'fit-position'


    The CSS3 Box module contains two features that HP believes would be
    quite valuable for the CSS Print solution space, namely 'fit' and
    'fit-position'. See for a


    These features would be a valuable addition to CSS Print, because they
    enable very easy positioning of images within boxes, something those of
    us who have worked on templates know requires lots of messy computation
    and numeric values with the currently required feature set.


    Adding new requirements to CSS Print will cause us to retreat from CR
    (Candidate Recommendation) status to LCWD (Last Call Working Draft)
    status for at least three weeks. Since CSS Print is waiting on CSS 2.1
    to advance beyond CR, this short setback won't affect its completion


    Neither would this additional requirement affect current standards such
    as UPnP Print Enhanced or Bluetooth BPP. They both point to the current
    CR specification, and this of course won't change. However, new
    standards could point to a new CR version, thereby requiring additional
    feature support.


    Questions have been raised about whether multiple levels of conformance
    in the market would create interoperability problems. It would not,
    because the change is b/w compatible (nothing is being taken away), and
    support for the new standard(s) would indicate support for the new


    If you have objections to this proposed change, or wish to express
    support, please post your opinion here or to by
    September 23.


    Best wishes,




    HP - Melinda Grant
    Connectivity Standards
    Consumer Printing and Imaging
    +1 (541) 582-3681


    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Thu Sep 14 2006 - 11:07:54 EDT

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