I would not group "Scale Patterns" and "Print Text as Black" with "Edge to
Edge". Edge to edge (or full bleed) printing can not be added to a driver
unless it is supported by the printer. Scale patterns, text as black, and
render mode are functions implemented totally in the driver without any
printer functionality. I don't think they belong in UPDF until we start
addressing UI issues.
At 6/15/01 01:52 PM, Norbert Schade wrote:
>Many drivers do not only show features, which cause any kind of command
>sequence (JCL or PDL) to be sent to the printer, but provide some
>settings, which change the behavior of the driver while rendering. The
>driver must understand the setting, while for the generic features it just
>can rely on information where to send what.
>This group of features include items like 'Scale Patterns', 'Print Text as
>Black', 'Edge to Edge Printing' (at the moment specified as a generic
>feature - may change), 'Rendering Mode', etc. There may be more. Any
>request to treat them as a group or list them at specific places?
>Another group includes entries for 'Width' or 'Height' like used in a
>custom size dialog. Proposals here?
>The last group on my list includes pure UI elements like group boxes (may
>be with titles), buttons to open another dialog, etc. We will ignore that
>for now, probably completely in UPDF, level 1. Your opinion?
>Norbert Schade
>Principle Software Engineer
>Host Software Group
>Oak Technology, Inc.
>10 Presidential Way
>Woburn, MA 01801
>Phone: 1-781-638-7614
>Fax: 1-781-638-7555
>email: <mailto:norbertschade@oaktech.com>norbertschade@oaktech.com
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