Many drivers do not only show features, which cause any kind of command sequence (JCL or PDL) to be sent to the printer, but provide some settings, which change the behavior of the driver while rendering. The driver must understand the setting, while for the generic features it just can rely on information where to send what.
This group of features include items like 'Scale Patterns', 'Print Text as Black', 'Edge to Edge Printing' (at the moment specified as a generic feature - may change), 'Rendering Mode', etc. There may be more. Any request to treat them as a group or list them at specific places?
Another group includes entries for 'Width' or 'Height' like used in a custom size dialog. Proposals here?
The last group on my list includes pure UI elements like group boxes (may be with titles), buttons to open another dialog, etc. We will ignore that for now, probably completely in UPDF, level 1. Your opinion?
Norbert Schade
Principle Software Engineer
Host Software Group
Oak Technology, Inc.
10 Presidential Way
Woburn, MA 01801
Phone: 1-781-638-7614
Fax: 1-781-638-7555
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