PMP Mail Archive: RE: RE: PMP> prtChannelEntry -> prtMark

RE: RE: PMP> prtChannelEntry -> prtMarkerIndex

From: McDonald, Ira (
Date: Thu Sep 21 2000 - 15:21:17 EDT

  • Next message: Ron Bergman: "PMP> Number 9 Envelope Size"

    Hi Andreas,

    No just three Markers and use internal knowledge to map
    them to Interpreters (and probably state it in the
    'prtInterpreterDescription' object for each Interpreter).

    - Ira McDonald

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Schoenbach Andreas []
    Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 8:06 AM
    Subject: RE: RE: PMP> prtChannelEntry -> prtMarkerIndex

    Thanks, for your suggestions.

    I have 4 interpreters and 3 marker. I will thus create 12 instances in the
    prtInterpreterTable. -> O.K.

    Do I need now 12 instances in the prtMarkerTable (with same index)?

    Or sufficient 3 and I know
    prtInterpreterIndex => prtMarkerIndex
    1,4,7,10 => 1
    2,5,8,11 => 2
    3,4,9,12 => 3


            -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
            Von: McDonald, Ira []
            Gesendet am: Mittwoch, 20. September 2000 21:51
            An: 'Wagner,William'; 'Schoenbach Andreas';
            Betreff: RE: PMP> prtChannelEntry -> prtMarkerIndex


            Thanks Bill - right - use multiple instances of (for
            instance) a PostScript interpreter to represent each
            different Marker - good solution.

            - Ira McDonald

            -----Original Message-----
            From: Wagner,William []
            Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 10:00 AM
            To: 'Schoenbach Andreas';
            Subject: RE: PMP> prtChannelEntry -> prtMarkerIndex


            The MIB model assumes that the channel drives the interpreter and
            interpreter somehow drives the marker through the system controller.
            is a relationship between channel and interpreter(s) in the
            prtChannelCurrentJobCntlLangIndex, and the
            prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex objects. You could define
            with a fixed relationship to each marking engine. This would allow
            dynamic relation between channel and marking engine to be reported.

            William A. Wagner (Bill Wagner)
            Director of Technology
            Imaging Division
            NETsilicon, Inc.

            -----Original Message-----
            From: Schoenbach Andreas
            Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2000 11:11 AM
            Subject: PMP> prtChannelEntry -> prtMarkerIndex


            I have three markers and two channels in my machine.

            I need to select which marker is printing the data from a channel.

            (like prtChannelDefaultPageDescLangIndex).

            Is this relation present or can you extend the mib?


            prtChannelMarkerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                SYNTAX Integer32
                MAX-ACCESS read-write
                STATUS current
                    "The value of prtMarkerIndex corresponding to the
                     Marker for this channel.
                    This marker defines the default marker to be used for the
                     from this channel.
                    Must be 1 or greater. -1 means unknown. -2 means auto-select
                ::= { prtChannelEntry 11 }


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