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Subject: Re: PMP> What exactly is the definition of "Offline"?
Author: INTERNET:jkm@underscore.com at CSERVE
Date: 4/29/97 6:29 PM
Sender: jkm@uscore.underscore.com
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Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 18:27:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: JK Martin <jkm@underscore.com>
Message-Id: <199704292227.SAA28909@uscore.underscore.com>
Subject: Re: PMP> What exactly is the definition of "Offline"?
Cc: pmp@pwg.org
X-Sun-Charset: US-ASCII
Yes, I see where one would be confused about the definition of "Online"
in your example.
How about the rest of the folks? Should we change "Intended" to "Current"
as Stuart proposes? (I tend to agree with his proposed change.)
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Date: 29 Apr 97 15:32:33 EDT
To: <PMP@pwg.org>
Subject: Re: PMP> What exactly is the definition of "Offline"?
I have been baffled by the use of Online in PrtSubUnitStatusTC. The
text is:
Intended state is On-Line 0
Intended state is Off-Line 32
I thought this value was NOT indicating the current state of the
device, but rather the intended state (although I couldn't think of
any devices with intended states of Off-line). If this is to indicate
current state, "Intended" should be changed to "Current".
I also agree that what constitutes an Off-line state should be
Stuart Rowley
Kyocera Electronics
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