P1394 Mail Archive: RE: P1394> PWG-1394 Mtg in San Fran

RE: P1394> PWG-1394 Mtg in San Fran

From: Farrell, Lee (lfarrell@cissc.canon.com)
Date: Thu Jun 15 2000 - 01:01:30 EDT

  • Next message: Brian Batchelder: "P1394> Justification for July 1394PWG Meeting"

    According to a decision at the previous meeting, we were NOT going to have a
    meeting unless a draft proposal was issued (or at least announced) before
    the end of May:
    MOTION: Brian Batchelder moved that the following two work items should be
    accepted as future tasks for the group:
     - Solving "the multi-instance Initiator problem"
     - 1394.3 Printing Profiles
    VOTE: The motion passed without opposition.
    MOTION: Brian Batchelder moved that the July meeting should only be held if
    a draft proposal for at least one of the work item topics is distributed by
    the end of May. [It is expected that a complete proposal will be distributed
    by June 26.]
    VOTE: The motion passed without opposition.
    ACTION: Brian Batchelder will issue a "call for proposal(s)" on the two work
    To the best of my knowledge, there has NOT been any proposal issued (did I
    miss it?) -- and I have not seen any new agenda items published for a
    meeting in July. Does someone have a proposal that will be distributed by
    June 26?
    Greg and/or Brian: if you want to have a meeting without a proposal issued,
    could you please comment about the (apparent) change to the previous
    [I realize that the ISTO has already committed us for a full week of PWG
    meetings, and it might be too late to cancel at this point. However, I still
    wanted to raise the question...]

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mike Fenelon [mailto:mfenelon@Exchange.Microsoft.com]
    Sent: Monday, June 12, 2000 12:56 PM
    To: 1394 List (E-mail)
    Subject: P1394> PWG-1394 Mtg in San Fran

    Is there really going to be a meeting???

    Do we have anything to discuss yet??

    Mike Fenelon


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