IPP Mail Archive: IPP> Re: PRO (MOD?) - Wake Up Call [request-id needs more syntax]

IPP> Re: PRO (MOD?) - Wake Up Call [request-id needs more syntax]

Tom Hastings (hastings@cp10.es.xerox.com)
Mon, 5 Jan 1998 08:47:37 PST

At 08:03 01/03/1998 PST, Ira Mcdonald x10962 wrote:
>Hi Carl-Uno,
>Do you envision conference calls (to help sort out our few
>remaining issues and any edits that should have made it into
>the most recent Model and Protocol specs but didn't, for
>example the range of request-ID being '1..n' and not '0..n')?

The Protocol document was changed in section 3.6 to make the example value
for clients that aren't using it be the constant 1, instead of 0,
so that its value is a legal value as agreed to align with the Job MIB and
the SNMP requirement not to use 0 as a table index value.

However, the ABNF fails to specify the syntax of the request-id token.
(0 or 1). It should be SIGNED-INTEGER, as all four octet integers are,
but with some restriction on the range to be 1 to 2**31-1.

Also I would think that section 3.6 should also include the range limits,
as has been done for other fields.

Also the Model document doesn't seem to mention the request-id at all,
that I could find. I'm not sure whether it should or not, since the
request-id is more of a protocol mechanism.

