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The PWG held its August 2019 Virtual Face-to-Face Meeting on August 28-30, 2019 via WebEx teleconferences. Representatives from Apple, Canon, Google, High North, HP Inc., Kyocera, Lexmark, Qualcomm, TIC, TCS and Xerox attended the meetings. Attendees reviewed work in progress, including drafts of a number of in-progress specifications, and discussed liaisons with partner groups. Here is a summary of the proceedings.
PWG Best Practices 5199.10-2019: IPP Authentication Methods v1.0 has been approved. This PWG Best Practices document provides implementation guidance on how to best integrate various authentication mechanisms used over IPP‘s HTTP and HTTPS transports into IPP protocol exchanges when printer access or print feature policy requires authorization.
This and other PWG Best Practices documents can be found at the PWG “Informational Documents” page:
It is directly available at the following URLs:
PWG Safe G-Code Subset for 3D Printing v1.0 has been approved as PWG Best Practice 5199.7-2019.
This document document defines a “safe” subset of G-code for use in 3D printing with IPP along with the capabilities and parameters needed to allow a client to generate G-code compatible with the printer.
PWG MFD Alerts v1.1 (MFD Alerts) has been approved as PWG Candidate Standard 5107.3-2019.
This specification updates the previously approved 5107.3 candidate standard defining an update to the IANA-PRINTER-MIB (originally published in RFC 3805) to provide support for SNMP alerts in a multifunction device (MFD) and an equivalent update to IPP “printer-state-reasons” [STD92] and IPP “printer-alert” [PWG5100.9].
IPP Job Extensions v2.0 (JOBEXT) has been approved as PWG Candidate Standard 5100.7-2019.
This specification defines the “media-col” Job Template attribute and extends the Job management, monitoring, and processing capabilities of IPP.
The published standard can be found at:
https:// ftp.pwg.org/ pub/ pwg/ candidates/ cs-ippjobext20-20190816-5100.7.pdf
The PWG Last Call of the IPP System Service v1.0 (SYSTEM) specification is now underway. The last call ends September 13, 2019.
The PWG Formal Vote of the IPP Job Extensions v2.0 (JOBEXT) is currently underway.
The PWG Formal Vote of the IPP Authentication Methods v1.0 Best Practices document is currently underway.
The IEEE ISTO Printer Working Group (PWG) and 3MF Consortium establish liaison relationship to collaborate on 3D printing standards. Joint efforts will support simpler 3D printing across devices.
The PWG Last Call of the IPP Job Extensions v2.0 (JOBEXT) specification is now underway. The last call ends June 21, 2019.