162 article articles found, showing 11 to 20:
The PWG Call for Objections of the PWG Media Standardized Names v2.1 (MSN) has begun.
Candidate Standard 5100.13-2023: IPP Driver Replacement Extensions v2.0 (NODRIVER) has been approved. This specification defines new attributes, values, and operations to support features, capabilities, localization, and status information that traditionally could only be provided by vendor- or model-specific drivers.
Candidate Standard 5100.7-2023: IPP Job Extensions v2.1 (JOBEXT) has been approved. This specification defines the “media-col” Job Template attribute and extends the Job management, monitoring, and processing capabilities of IPP.
Candidate Standard 5100.3-2023: IPP Production Printing Extensions v2.0 (PPX) has been approved. This specification defines attributes used for imposition, layout, and printing of covers, insert sheets, separator sheets, and different kinds of job sheets in high-volume “production” environments.
This specification was previously titled the “IPP Production Printing Attributes - Set 1”.
The PWG Formal Vote of the IPP Driver Replacement Extensions v2.0 (NODRIVER) specification is currently underway.
The PWG Call for Objections of the iPP Job Extensions v2.1 (JOBEXT) has begun.
The PWG Formal Vote of the IPP Production Printing Extensions v2.0 (PPX) specification is currently underway.
The PWG Last Call of the IPP Driver Replacement Extensions v2.0 (NODRIVER) is now underway.
The PWG Last Call of the IPP Production Printing Extensions v2.0 (PPX) is underway.
The PWG held its August 2022 Virtual Face-to-Face Meeting on August 16-18, 2022 via Webex teleconference. Representatives from Canon, Google, High North, HP Inc., Konica Minolta, Kyocera Document Solutions, Lakeside Robotics, Lexmark, Microsoft, Okidata, Qualcomm, Ricoh, TCS, and TIC attended the meetings, among others. Attendees reviewed work in progress, including drafts of a number of in-progress specifications, and discussed liaisons with partner groups. Here is a summary of the proceedings.