SM> RE: Re^2: [Q] A problem of WSDL2Java

SM> RE: Re^2: [Q] A problem of WSDL2Java

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at
Fri May 7 10:32:23 EDT 2004


Please take a look at Masanori Itoh's note below
about Java RPC problems with SM/1.0 use of the
'xsd:union' construct.  Please copy all with your

- Ira

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at

-----Original Message-----
From: Masanori ITOH [mailto:ito at]
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 7:34 PM
To: McDonald, Ira
Cc: HALL,DAVID (HP-Vancouver,ex1); 'Zehler, Peter'; BERKEMA,ALAN C
(HP-Roseville,ex1); Alain Regnier; Harry Lewis
Subject: Re^2: [Q] A problem of WSDL2Java

Hi Mr. McDonald,

Thank you for your support to my problem.

After sending e-mail to Mr. Hall, I inquired that problem
to my colleague at work, and found the reason.

The Apache AXIS tool, WSDL2Java excutes binding from XML
Schema to Java in accordance with JAX-RPC (Java API for
XML-Based RPC). But the support of the schema component 
'xsd:union' is optional in JAX-RPC. 
So I guess WSDL2Java can not treat the schema component

One of the solution for that problem is not to use
the schema component 'xsd:union'.
In the Semantic Model '1.0' schema, the schema component
'xsd:union' is mostly used as the union of the part of
enumerated definitions and the part of the extension of them.
And the parts of the extension are loosely defined
with constraining facet (e.g. 'xsd:pattern').
So in order to solve that problem, the part of extension
have to be defined strictly.
But a problem remains. It is that the schema files have to
be modified.

I found that problem when I checked whether some WSDL
converting tools could treat new PSI WSDL files.
I found another problem as a matter of truth.
Both old and new WSDL files can be treated with gSOAP tool
(C or C++ code generator).
The reason is gSOAP tool has poor quality.

Some problems of generation tools were found, so I am
anxious about the implementation of PSI prototype
even if new WSDL files will be released.

[I didn't copy to the SM mailing list. If needed,
please copy this to it.]


Masanonri Itoh
RICOH Co., Ltd.  Software R&D Center

Mr. McDonald, Ira wrote on Thu, 6 May 2004 07:24:45 -0700

Hi Pete,

Please reply to Masanori Itoh about his problems with
'xsd:union' in the final (1.0) versions of SM schema.

[I copied the SM mailing list to make sure that others
are aware of this problem.]

- Ira

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at

-----Original Message-----
From: Masanori ITOH [mailto:ito at]
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:47 AM
To: HALL,DAVID (HP-Vancouver,ex1)
Cc: BERKEMA,ALAN C (HP-Roseville,ex1); Alain Regnier; Harry Lewis;
McDonald, Ira
Subject: [Q] A problem of WSDL2Java

Hi Mr. Hall,

I have a problem of PSI inplementation.

I used WSDL2Java (Axis tool) with my new WSDLs included the
Semantic Model '1.0' schema files, but bad codes were generated.
I think that is why 'xsd:union' are used in the Semantic Model
'1.0' schema files.
(In the Semantic Model '0.93' which old WSDL files use,
'xsd:union' are not used. Java codes can be got with 
SM 0.93 .)

I found you had a same experience.

So could you tell me your solution of that problem if you have ?

I wonder Java codes can not be automatically generated
with WSDL2Java if the Semantic Model '1.0' is used and
that problem remains. 

Thank you,

Masanonri Itoh
RICOH Co., Ltd.  Software R&D Center

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