SM> RE: [Q] A problem of WSDL2Java

SM> RE: [Q] A problem of WSDL2Java

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at
Thu May 6 10:24:45 EDT 2004

Hi Pete,

Please reply to Masanori Itoh about his problems with
'xsd:union' in the final (1.0) versions of SM schema.

[I copied the SM mailing list to make sure that others
are aware of this problem.]

- Ira

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at

-----Original Message-----
From: Masanori ITOH [mailto:ito at]
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:47 AM
To: HALL,DAVID (HP-Vancouver,ex1)
Cc: BERKEMA,ALAN C (HP-Roseville,ex1); Alain Regnier; Harry Lewis;
McDonald, Ira
Subject: [Q] A problem of WSDL2Java

Hi Mr. Hall,

I have a problem of PSI inplementation.

I used WSDL2Java (Axis tool) with my new WSDLs included the
Semantic Model '1.0' schema files, but bad codes were generated.
I think that is why 'xsd:union' are used in the Semantic Model
'1.0' schema files.
(In the Semantic Model '0.93' which old WSDL files use,
'xsd:union' are not used. Java codes can be got with 
SM 0.93 .)

I found you had a same experience.

So could you tell me your solution of that problem if you have ?

I wonder Java codes can not be automatically generated
with WSDL2Java if the Semantic Model '1.0' is used and
that problem remains. 

Thank you,

Masanonri Itoh
RICOH Co., Ltd.  Software R&D Center

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