SM> FW: [printing-jobticket] Updated JTAPI UML diagram

SM> FW: [printing-jobticket] Updated JTAPI UML diagram

McDonald, Ira imcdonald at
Mon Nov 17 11:26:20 EST 2003


FYI - the FSG Job Ticket API UML diagrams have been updated
for recent design tweaks and new content from PWG IPP JobX
and JDF/1.2 work.

The FSG JTAPI working group has begun development of the
Alpha version of the JTAPI/1.0 C language header files.

- Ira

Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)
Blue Roof Music / High North Inc
PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI  49839
phone: +1-906-494-2434
email: imcdonald at

-----Original Message-----
From: Claudia Alimpich [mailto:alimpich at]
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 7:42 PM
To: printing-jobticket at
Subject: [printing-jobticket] Updated JTAPI UML diagram

The JTAPI UML diagrams have been updated to include some changes that I
have had marked up on my copy for some time now. The png files are located
in the following directory on the PWG site:

The following changes were made to the UML diagrams:
   1. Modified JobTicketInfo object
         - Remove the jt-id attribute and id data member
         - Renamed the jt-length-units attribute to jt-length-unit and
         lengthUnits data member to lengthUnit
         - Removed the jt-syntax-version attribute and jtSyntaxVersion data
         - Renamed the jt-type attribute to jt-type-and-version and the
         type data member to typeAndVersion
         - Added a "*" jt-version indicating that it will not be
         implemented in 1.0

   2.  Modified Job object
         - Added the job-print-content-optimize attribute and
         printContentOptimize data member. It will not be implemented  1.0.

   3.  Modified Destination object
         - Added missing constructor, destructor, get, getAttributeNames,
         and set methods

   4.  Modified CollateEnum
         - Renamed SHEET_AND_JOB value to SHEET_AND_DOC

   5.  Modified ContactTypeEnum
         - Added SENDER value

   6.  Modified HoldEnum
         - Renamed HOLD_DEFINITELY value to DEFINITE

   7.  Modified JobTicketTypeEnum
         - Renamed to JobTicketTypeVersionEnum
         - Renamed JDF value to JDF_1.2
         - Renamed PWG value to PWG_1.2

   8.  Modified LengthUnitsEnum
         - Renamed to LengthUnitEnum

   9.  Added PrintContentOptimizeEnum

   10. Modified PresentationDirectionEnum
         - Renamed all values from xyz format to format used by IPP (for
         example renamed the value "xyz" the much more readable

   11. Modified PrintQualityEnum
         - Removed ECONOMY, FINE, and PHOTO values since we now have a
         separate attribute and the values in PrintContentOptimizeEnum.

   12. Modified SidesEnum
         - Renamed values to use SHORT_EDGE and LONG_EDGE instead of FLIP_X
         and FLIP_Y terminology


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