SM> JobStateReasons issue

SM> JobStateReasons issue

Zehler, Peter PZehler at
Wed Nov 12 13:27:03 EST 2003



The change was not intentional.  It was a cut and paste error in the mail
note.  The actual values are derived directly from the IPP specs.  

The correct values are

CanceledByUser -> JobCanceledByUser

CompletedWithWarnings -> JobCompletedWithWarnings


I cut and pasted the full contents of JobStateReason's "Description
(values)" entry below.


Peter Zehler 
Xerox Innovation Group 
Email: PZehler at 
Voice:    (585) 265-8755 
FAX:      (585) 422-7961 
US Mail: Peter Zehler 

        Xerox Corp. 
        800 Phillips Rd. 
        M/S 128-25E 
        Webster NY, 14580-9701 


Provides additional information about this Job's current state.  (Keywords:
AbortedBySystem, CompressionError, DigitalSignatureDidNotVerify,
DigitalSignatureTypeNotSupported, DocumentAccessError, DocumentFormatError,
ErrorsDetected, JobCanceledAtDevice, JobCanceledByOperator,
JobCanceledByUser, JobCompletedSuccessfully, JobCompletedWithErrors,
JobCompletedWithWarnings, JobDataInsufficient, JobDigitalSignatureWait,
JobHoldUntilSpecified, JobIncoming, JobInterpreting, JobOutgoing,
JobPasswordWait, JobPrinting, JobQueued, JobQueuedForMarker, JobRestartable,
JobResuming, JobSavedSuccessfully, JobSaveError, JobSaving, JobScheduling,
JobSpooling, JobStreaming, JobSuspended, JobSuspendedByOperator,
JobSuspendedBySystem, JobSuspendedByUser, JobSuspending, JobTransforming,
None, PrinterStopped, PrinterStoppedPartly, ProcessingToStopPoint,
ProofPrintWait, QueuedInDevice, ResourcesAreNotReady,
ResourcesAreNotSupported, ServiceOffLine, SubmissionInterrupted,
UnsupportedCompression, UnsupportedDocumentFormat, WarningsDetected) 


-----Original Message-----
From: TAYLOR,BOB (HP-Vancouver,ex1) [mailto:bobt at] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 1:05 PM
To: Zehler, Peter; PWG Semantic Model WG (sm at
Subject: RE: SM> JobStateReasons issue


Hi Pete,


While most of these just pre-pend "Job" on value, a few change the value
(CanceledByUser -> JobCanceledAtUser, CompletedWithWarnings ->
JobCompletedWarnings, etc.).  Were these intentional?



-----Original Message-----
From: owner-sm at [mailto:owner-sm at] On Behalf Of Zehler, Peter
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 11:25 AM
To: PWG Semantic Model WG (sm at
Subject: SM> JobStateReasons issue


The values in the Semantic Model document do not line up with those in the
Schema or in the referenced specifications.  In order to keep the mapping
clean and to maintain alignment with JDF I propose the following changes in
the JobStateReasons keywords entry on page 44 of the Semantic Model spec
(JobStateReasons entry in Job Element Table).   Below are the corrected
values.  I also need to update the reference column to include JobX and

Current SM value -> Corrected SM Value


CanceledAtDevice -> JobCanceledAtDevice

CanceledByOperator -> JobCanceledByOperator

CanceledByUser -> JobCanceledAtUser

CompletedSuccessfully -> JobCompletedSuccessfully

CompletedWithErrors -> JobCompletedWithErrors

CompletedWithWarnings -> JobCompletedWarnings

Incoming -> JobIncoming

Interpreting -> JobInterpreting

Outgoing -> JobOutgoing

Printing -> JobPrinting

Queued -> JobQueued

QueuedForMarker -> JobQueuedForMarker

Transforming -> JobTransforming





Peter Zehler


Xerox Innovation Group

Email: PZehler at

Voice:    (585) 265-8755

FAX:      (585) 422-7961

US Mail: Peter Zehler

        Xerox Corp.

        800 Phillips Rd.

        M/S 128-25E

        Webster NY, 14580-9701

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