[Pwg-Announce] Reminder: PWG Power Model/MIB Formal Vote

[Pwg-Announce] Reminder: PWG Power Model/MIB Formal Vote

William Wagner wamwagner at comcast.net
Mon Jan 24 17:47:32 EST 2011

Greetings: Members, please cast your vote! Thank you.

VOTES ARE CONFIDENTIAL!  See voting instructions below.

This email initiates the Formal Approval vote by the PWG membership for
advance to PWG Candidate Standard of the 
"PWG Power Management Model for Imaging Systems" and the companion concrete
mapping "PWG Imaging System Power MIB v1.0 specification.  Approval of the
PWG Imaging System Power MIB v1.0 specification implicitly includes approval
of the PWG-IMAGING-SYSTEM-POWER-MIB. Note that these documents are being
presented and are to be voted on as a set; please cast a single vote for the

The documents may be accessed at:

  - clean Power Model w/ line numbers

  - clean Power MIB w/ line numbers

  - plaintext ASN.1 source for Power MIB

  - color highlighted ASN.1 source for Power MIB w/ line numbers

The complete list of PWG Last Call issues and resolutions is located at:

  - plaintext Power Model/MIB last call issues

VOTING PERIOD:  This Formal Vote will start today on Monday 17 January 2011
and will end at 10pm (US Pacific Time) on Monday 14 February 2011.

Valid votes are: Yes, No, No (with Strong Objection), Abstain.

Representatives from PWG member companies are strongly encouraged to
exercise their right to vote.

PWG Privacy Policy:  Your vote is confidential and will not be disclosed
by PWG officers or document editors.


Please send an email with *exactly* the following subject line format:

  Power Model/MIB Formal Vote-<company name>-<voter's last


  Power Model/MIB Formal Vote-Acme-McGee-Yes

Voting rules per PWG Process/3.0.

(1) Any "No" vote MUST be accompanied by explanation of technical opposition
and  a description of the changes required to turn the "No" vote into a
"Yes" vote 

(2) A "Yes" vote MAY contain "editorial" comments


(3)  No comments  will be considered with an "Abstain" vote
(4) An "Abstain" vote counts toward quorum, but not approval.


Please send your vote to *all* of the following email addresses (replacing
"dot" with '.' and "at" with '@'):

msweet"at"apple"dot"com (Mike Sweet, PWG Chair)

ptykodi"at"tykodi"dot"com (Paul Tykodi, PWG Secretary)

wamwagner"at"comcast"dot"net (Bill Wagner, WIMS WG Chair)

blueroofmusic"at"gmail"dot"com (Ira McDonald, Power Model/MIB Editor)

Please do NOT simply reply to this note on PWG-Announce or to the
WIMS WG list (to preserve the confidentiality of your vote).


(1) This Formal Vote is being conducted under the rules of the PWG
and the current PWG Policy on Intellectual Property and Confidentiality
The 2011 PWG Membership Agreement calls out both  of these documents and 
the links are provided below.

(2) To be eligible to vote the member MUST have submitted a signed copy of
the 2011 PWG Membership Agreement and paid their dues.

The PWG Definition of the Standards Development Process Version 3.0 is
located at:


The PWG Policy on Intellectual Property and Confidentiality is located at:


Best Regards,
- Bill Wagner (Chair WIMS WG)

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