[Pwg-Announce] PWG Last Call of MFD Model and Common Semantics (1/24/11 - 2/25/11)

[Pwg-Announce] PWG Last Call of MFD Model and Common Semantics (1/24/11 - 2/25/11)

Zehler, Peter Peter.Zehler at xerox.com
Mon Jan 24 08:07:01 EST 2011

[This PWG Last Call will start today on Monday January 24, 2011.
This PWG Last Call will end Friday February 25, 2011 at 10pm US PDT.]
This is the formal announcement of the PWG Last Call for the MFD Model
and Common Semantics, which is located at:
All required operations and attributes defined in this document have
been prototyped by Xerox and/or other vendors through their deployment
of existing protocols such as ISO 10175, IETF/PWG IPP and Microsoft WSD.
The MFD WG has completed a working group last call and subsequent
revisions of this document.
The PWG Process/3.0 requires that a quorum (30%) of PWG voting members
must acknowledge a PWG Last Call (with or without comments), before any
document can progress to PWG Formal Vote.  This PWG Last Call is NOT a
Formal Vote but it DOES require your review acknowledgment.
Please send your review acknowledgment *exactly* as follows:
To:  mfd at pwg.org <mailto:mfd at pwg.org> 
Subject:  <Company Name> has reviewed the MFD Model and Common Semantics
and has [no] comments
Please do NOT simply reply to this note on the PWG-Announce list.
Note:  The PWG Definition of the Standards Development Process Version
3.0 is located at:




Peter Zehler

Xerox Research Center Webster
Email: Peter.Zehler at Xerox.com <mailto:Peter.Zehler at Xerox.com> 
Voice: (585) 265-8755
FAX: (585) 265-7441
US Mail: Peter Zehler
Xerox Corp.
800 Phillips Rd.
M/S 128-25E
Webster NY, 14580-9701 


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