[IDS] IDS WG Meetings in June

[IDS] IDS WG Meetings in June

Alan Sukert ansukert49 at outlook.com
Wed May 31 18:56:33 UTC 2023

I mentioned this in the minutes to the IDS Session at the May PWG Face-to-Face but it is worth repeating here.

Some of you expect that there should be an IDS WG Meeting tomorrow at 3PM ET. However, as I mentioned in the note when I sent on the IDS Session minutes, because of conflicts on IPP members parts I agreed that for Jun 2023 I would switch IDS and IPP meeting dates.

That means that instead of meeting tomorrow (Jun 1) and two weeks later in Jun 15, the IDS WG Meetings in June will be on Jun 8th and Jun 22nd. In July we will go back to our regular schedule with meetings on July 13th and July 27th. The only issue is that I have a conflict for part of the normal meeting time on June 8th, so the meeting time will have to be adjusted to be a shorter than normal meeting (probably 3:45 - 4:30).

So, bottom line is - NO IDS WG MEETING TOMORROW (JUN 1). NEXT IDS WG MEETING JUN 8; Time and Agenda TBD.

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