[IDS] RFC: IPP firmware attributes from PWG 5110.1

[IDS] RFC: IPP firmware attributes from PWG 5110.1

Michael Sweet msweet at apple.com
Tue Sep 17 18:06:01 UTC 2013


We have a need to track the firmware information in a printer.  Long term we plan on doing a full binding of the IDS Attributes specification (PWG 5110.1) as part of the IPP System Control Service specification, but in the short term I would like to propose the following attribute definitions that map the FirmwareXxx attributes to IPP Printer attributes.  Comments are appreciated...

(and assuming these are acceptable, we can use the same kind of mapping for the other IDS attributes...)


printer-firmware-name (1setOf name(MAX))

The REQUIRED "printer-firmware-name" Printer attribute provides the name(s) of the firmware components used by the Printer. For example, the Printer might report the names and versions of its IPP, PDF, JPEG, and PWG Raster components. This attribute corresponds to the FirmwareName attribute defines in the PWG Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Attributes specification [PWG5110.1].

This attribute MUST have the same cardinality (contain the same number of values) as the "printer-firmware-string-version" and "printer-firmware-version" attributes. The ith value in the "printer-firmware-name" attribute corresponds to the ith value in the "printer-firmware-string-version" and "printer-firmware-version" attributes.

printer-firmware-patches (text(MAX))

The RECOMMENDED "printer-firmware-patches" Printer attribute provides an ordered list of patches (first to last) that have been applied to the firmware in the Printer. Each patch is delimited by a carriage return and line feed pair (0x0D 0x0A). This attribute corresponds to the FirmwarePatches attribute defines in the PWG Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Attributes specification [PWG5110.1].

Note: Unlike "printer-firmware-name", "printer-firmware-string-version", and "printer-firmware-version", this attribute is provided as a single text value.

printer-firmware-string-version (1setOf text(MAX))

The REQUIRED "printer-firmware-string-version" Printer attribute provides the human-readable version(s) of the firmware components used by the Printer. For example, the Printer might report the names and versions of its IPP, PDF, JPEG, and PWG Raster components. This attribute corresponds to the FirmwareStringVersion attribute defines in the PWG Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Attributes specification [PWG5110.1].

This attribute MUST have the same cardinality (contain the same number of values) as the "printer-firmware-name" and "printer-firmware-version" attributes. The ith value in the "printer-firmware-string-version" attribute corresponds to the ith value in the "printer-firmware-name" and "printer-firmware-version" attributes.

printer-firmware-version (1setOf octetString(MAX))

This REQUIRED Printer attribute provides the machine-readable version(s) of the firmware components used by the Printer. For example, the Printer might report the names and versions of its IPP, PDF, JPEG, and PWG Raster components. This attribute corresponds to the FirmwareVersion attribute defines in the PWG Hardcopy Device Health Assessment Attributes specification [PWG5110.1].

This attribute MUST have the same cardinality (contain the same number of values) as the "printer-firmware-name" and "printer-firmware-string-version" attributes. The ith value in the "printer-firmware-version" attribute corresponds to the ith value in the "printer-firmware-name" and "printer-firmware-string-version" attributes.

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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