[IDS] HCD TNC Binding - Prototype Draft (10 September 2013)

[IDS] HCD TNC Binding - Prototype Draft (10 September 2013)

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 19:36:40 UTC 2013


I've just posted another *Prototype* draft of HCD TNC Binding.

This version addresses all typos and edits from the IDS WG session
at PWG F2F in February and completes all unfinished sections.

For review at upcoming IDS WG telecons.

ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ids/wd/wd-idstnc10-20130910.pdf / docx
- clean w/ line numbers

ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ids/wd/wd-idstnc10-20130910-rev.pdf / docx
- redlines w/ line numbers


- Ira

Change History

13.1 10 September 2013
- Global – Updated to use current PWG template and logo
- Global – Corrected typos in previous draft
- Global – Corrected filename to follow PWG naming conventions
- Global – Removed/resolved all highlighted text, per PWG F2F 2/7/13
- Global – Changed RFC 5292/5293 to RFC 5792/5793, per PWG F2F 2/7/13
- Global – revised Vendor ID to show decimal and hex values, per PWG F2F
- Revised section 2.2 to add HCD, etc. from IEEE 2600, per PWG F2F 2/7/13
- Revised section 2.3 to add CESP from Appendix A, per PWG F2F 2/7/13
- Revised section 3.x to avoid uppercase conformance words, per PWG SC
- Added new section 4.2 PT-EAP – TNC Layer 2 Transport Protocol
- Added new section 4.3 PT-TLS – TNC Layer 4 Transport Protocol
- Revised section 4.4.2 to add Batch Length description, per PWG F2F 2/7/13
- Revised sections 5.1/5.2 – “only supports” to “supports only”, per PWG
F2F 2/7/13
- Revised sections 5.1/5.2 – “64K” and “1.5K” to real numbers, per PWG F2F
- Revised section 6.2.1 typo in name of AttributesNaturalLanguage
- Revised section 6.2.2 typo in name of UserApplicationVersion, per PWG F2F
- Revised section 7 Internationalization to add RFC 5198, per PWG SC
- Added section 8 Security Considerations, per PWG F2F 2/7/13
- Revised section 9 IANA and PWG Considerations, per PWG F2F 2/7/13
- Revised section 10 References, per PWG F2F 2/7/13

13.2 4 August 2011 to 5 February 2013
Five previous drafts - Initial to Prototype
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