We had agreed at the last f2f conference that update of the Schema was
necessary in general and critical with respect to the SM3 overall document
effort. Having spent several years constantly revising the SM2 overall
document to agree with an evolving semantic model schema, that is not a path
to a viable spec. It is in the October F2F minutes that:
FaxOut, Cloud, IPP Print Extensions, IPP Transaction Based Printing, System
Control Service need to be updated into the schema
And, I believe that we agreed that WG generating or changing Schema aspects
must inform Daniel, who (I think) would update the schema appropriately.
Certainly, it is troubling to the Cloud WG activity that (to my knowledge)
at least Notification has not yet been included in the schema. (I think
that the Cloud specific operations could wait until the Cloud WG has
settled on them.) But in looking at the minutes for the December 6 2012
face-to-face meeting, I noticed that including Notification was in fact an
action item identified a year ago. Indeed, I wonder about many of the
action items listed in those minutes. It has been very hard to track who
should be doing what in the SM3 group. And I might suggest that, in addition
to crowded schedules delaying actions, the lack of clearly stated action
items might contribute to the perception that the group has accomplished
very little in the past year. This perception, along with a tendency to get
tangled up in side issues, tends to discourage participation, which further
diminishes the ability of the group to carry through on its very important
function in the PWG.
I suggest those interest in the SM3 activities review the minutes at
ftp://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/mfd/minutes/pwg-ftf-mfd-minutes-20121205.pdf. It
might in fact be a good starting point for 2014. I have extracted some of
the more interesting items, and suggest that checking on the status of
these items may be appropriate for our next conference call. I also suggest
that, at a minimum, SM3 meeting should have action items status and new
action items recorded.
Bill Wagner
o ACTION ITEM: Ira et al. to update SM charter to add mapping specs and
merge SM/MFD charters OPEN [this is done, although I think we still need
to follow through on later changes]
o ACTION ITEM: Paul T. to send message to MDF list outlining the
situation and his objectives for the 10 December conference call [Although
the call took place, the Transform Service effort appears to be suspended]
o ACTION ITEM: : Daniel will correct namespace and schema with respect to
issues identified [below].
§ Errors observed
1. CharsetSupported not properly encoded as a list of keyword.
2. NaturalLanguageSupported not properly encoded as a list of keyword.
3. FinishingCol is the wrong type.
4. For consistency with IPP implementations, every member within a
processing elements complex type should be decorated with the MustHonor
attribute rather than just have the complex type inherit the attribute and
have the value applicable to all constituent members
5. Errors are not reflected in approved standards, except that reference
to Schema version in PWG Job Ticket standard must be corrected using Errata
mechanism. ACTION ITEM: Daniel (or delegated person) to issue errata as
identified in the PWG process document section 9.1.
o ACTION ITEM: Peter will implement changes to WSDL as agreed in Cloud WG
session [ If this is not yet done, I suggest it wait until Cloud settles on
these operations However, SM input to Cloud discussion would be
o ACTION ITEM: Peter will add Print Service to operations as necessary
to properly distinguish object of operation.
a. ACTION ITEM: Create/check a WSDL file identifying all Notification
Operations to be used in conjunction with Print Operations. Ensure
GetNotifications properly reflects applicable part sof RFC3995, 3996, 3997.
As agreed in Cloud Model WG session, an IPP notifications mechanism should
be available for Cloud Printing. ACTION ITEM: Create/check a WSDL file
identifying all Notification Operations to be used in conjunction with Print
Operations. Ensure GetNotifications properly reflects applicable parts of
RFC3995, 3996, 3997.
o ACTION ITEM: Glen to send message to MFD list identifying errors and
suggesting corrections. Glen observed some problems in the approved text.
o ACTION ITEM: Mike to rework PPD mapping information into similar format
o a. Pete to verify that the original evolution and namespace registry
documents are posted on the PWG server -OPEN