[PWG-Announce] PWG Approved: IPP WG Charter (10 May 2024)

[PWG-Announce] PWG Approved: IPP WG Charter (10 May 2024)

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 13:31:38 UTC 2024


The IPP WG Charter update has been approved.

The PWG Call for Objections completed on Friday 10 May 2024 without
any objections.  The PWG Steering Committee approved the process
used for this PWG Call for Objections on 10 June 2024.

The date in the approved filename has been aligned with the completion
of this PWG Call for Objections, consistent with the current PWG Process
and PWG Document Management Policy.

The principal updates are:

(a) removal of completed projects;
(b) addition of new planned projects;
(c) addition of new possible projects;
(d) addition of updated milestones; and
(e) clarification of maintenance for IETF and PWG MIBs.

The published charter can be found at:


- Ira  (PWG Secretary, IPP WG Co-Chair)

PS - Smith or Mike - please update the IPP WG web page - thanks!

*Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)*

*Chair - SAE Trust Anchors and Authentication TF*
*Co-Chair - TCG Trusted Mobility Solutions WG*

*Co-Chair - TCG Metadata Access Protocol SG*

*Chair - Linux Foundation Open Printing WGSecretary - IEEE-ISTO Printer
Working GroupCo-Chair - IEEE-ISTO PWG Internet Printing Protocol WGIETF
Designated Expert - IPP & Printer MIBBlue Roof Music / High North
<http://sites.google.com/site/highnorthinc>mailto: blueroofmusic at gmail.com
<blueroofmusic at gmail.com>(permanent) PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI 49839
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