[IPP] IPP WG Agenda 3:00-4:30pm US Eastern (20 June 2024)

[IPP] IPP WG Agenda 3:00-4:30pm US Eastern (20 June 2024)

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 15:04:10 UTC 2024


[Please forward as appropriate to internal and external colleagues -

[NOTE:  After this week, Ira will be *absent* until 2025 - Mike will carry
[Thanks to Mike for preparing this week's draft agenda]

Our next regular IPP WG call will be on Thursday
at 12:00-13:30pm US Pacific / 3:00-4:30pm US Eastern

Meeting information

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Meeting number (access code): 126 908 4132
Meeting password: 6Zc7eJPWdQ8 (69273579 from phones and video systems)

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<%2B1-415-655-0001,,*01*1269084132%2369273579%23*01*> US Toll
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+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
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1. PWG IP policy, minute taker, roll call, and agenda review
2. IPP minutes from previous meetings
   - PWG May 2024 F2F:
3. IPP mailing list posts:
   - May 9: "printing job with different finishings"
     - https://www.pwg.org/pipermail/ipp/2024/021593.html
   - June 7: "Fwd: New Non-WG Mailing List: ssh -- to allow discussions on
improving aspects of the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol"
     - https://www.pwg.org/pipermail/ipp/2024/021607.html
   - June 11: "What value do IPP Printers provide for "printer-name"?"
     - https://www.pwg.org/pipermail/ipp/2024/021608.html
4. Status: AMSC and ISO liaisons w/PWG (Paul)
   - https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/general/sc/pwg-sc-call-minutes-20240610.htm
   - PWG 3D/IPP article development:
     - Recent Additive Construction webinar - new "framework standard",
including 3D printing
       - They may be able to help us to "tune" our presentation on Safe
     - ICAM 2024 - Additive Construction track that Paul may be able to
attend on behalf of PWG
   - PWG 3D PR Opportunities
     - Paul to condense content for PWG August 2024 F2F, focus on ICAM
5. Status: IPP Charter Update
   - https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/charter/ch-ipp-charter-20240510.pdf
   - Successfully completed PWG Call for Objections on May 10, 2024
   - PWG SC approved process during June 10, 2024 meeting
   - Ira published on June 12, 2024
6. Status: IPP Document Object v1.2 (DOCOBJECT)
   - Successfully completed PWG Call for Objections on May 17, 2024
   - PWG SC approved process during June 10, 2024 meeting
   - Mike published on June 12, 2024
7. Status: IPP OAuth Extensions v1.0 (OAUTH)
   - Mike's prototyping experience with CUPS/mOAuth
8. Discussion:
   - Priorities, schedule, and prototyping of remaining documents

*Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)*

*Chair - SAE Trust Anchors and Authentication TF*
*Co-Chair - TCG Trusted Mobility Solutions WG*

*Co-Chair - TCG Metadata Access Protocol SG*

*Chair - Linux Foundation Open Printing WGSecretary - IEEE-ISTO Printer
Working GroupCo-Chair - IEEE-ISTO PWG Internet Printing Protocol WGIETF
Designated Expert - IPP & Printer MIBBlue Roof Music / High North
<http://sites.google.com/site/highnorthinc>mailto: blueroofmusic at gmail.com
<blueroofmusic at gmail.com>(permanent) PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI 49839
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