[IPP] printing job with different finishings

[IPP] printing job with different finishings

Tobias Wendorff tobias.wendorff at tu-dortmund.de
Sat May 11 22:26:21 UTC 2024

Dear Michael,

bad news.

On 09.05.2024, at 15:48, Michael Sweet wrote: > With overrides you would 
do something like this:
>      ATTR keyword sides two-sided-long-edge
>      ATTR enum finishings 4  # staple
>      ATTR keyword print-color-mode monochrome
>      ATTR collection overrides {
>          MEMBER rangeOfInteger document-numbers 1-1
>          MEMBER rangeOfInteger pages 1-2
>          MEMBER keyword sides one-sided
>          MEMBER enum finishings 3 # none
>          MEMBER keyword print-color-mode color
>      }

While "Validate-Job" passes, "Print-Job" fails with a 

I tried to remove single members, but only dropping the complete 
collection made the job pass.

Who's the client in this context? Do you need a traffic dump?

Best regards,

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