[IPP] printing job with different finishings

[IPP] printing job with different finishings

Michael Sweet msweet at msweet.org
Thu May 9 13:48:46 UTC 2024


> On May 9, 2024, at 9:03 AM, Tobias Wendorff via ipp <ipp at pwg.org> wrote:
> ...
> We frequently print scientific surveys that have two pages of cover letter and then 10 pages of questionnaire. The cover letter should be printed single-sided and in color, the questionnaire double-sided, in b/w and stapled.

So *if* your printer supports the page overrides specification (PWG 5100.6), you can specify that kind of job ticket.  Look for the "overrides-supported" attribute in the printer attributes (get-printer-attributes.test can be used for this).

With overrides you would do something like this:

    ATTR keyword sides two-sided-long-edge
    ATTR enum finishings 4  # staple
    ATTR keyword print-color-mode monochrome
    ATTR collection overrides {
        MEMBER rangeOfInteger document-numbers 1-1
        MEMBER rangeOfInteger pages 1-2
        MEMBER keyword sides one-sided
        MEMBER enum finishings 3 # none
        MEMBER keyword print-color-mode color

> Even after numerous misprints, I couldn't manage to create such a complex job. As a result, the cover letter and questionnaire are printed separately and then assigned manually. This is error-prone work when 300 questionnaires have to be sent out.

One thing you can do is submit separate jobs from the same ipptool file - at least then the output will end up on the output tray in the right order.

Michael Sweet

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