[IPP] IPP WG Agenda 3:00-4:30pm US Eastern (17 December 2020)

[IPP] IPP WG Agenda 3:00-4:30pm US Eastern (17 December 2020)

Ira McDonald blueroofmusic at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 17:22:54 UTC 2020


Our next regular IPP WG call will on Thursday at 12:00-13:30pm US Pacific /
3:00-4:30pm US Eastern.

NOTE: Please USE the Zoom meeting below!

Meeting information
Topic: PWG IPP Workgroup
Time: Thursday 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
        Every week on Thu, until Jan 21, 2021, 34 occurrence(s)

Join Zoom Meeting
*https://zoom.us/j/94311716133* <https://zoom.us/j/94311716133>

Join Zoom Meeting first and then join audio by phone or computer
Meeting ID: 943 1171 6133
Password: 452204

        Join Zoom meeting first for numbers
Dial by your location
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 943 1171 6133
Password: 452204

Find your local number: *https://zoom.us/u/ab9YtwWxr*

Unique attendee access code:  Displayed in the Zoom meeting
Waiting Room:  Attendees have to be admitted by the Host

(1) PWG IP Policy, Minute Taker, Roll Call, and Agenda Review
- Volunteer as minute taker?
-- Status of all IPP documents in progress is up-to-date below

(2) Approve IPP minutes from previous meetings
- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/minutes/ippv2-concall-minutes-20201203.pdf
-- IPP WG regular call on 12/03/20

(3) Status/Review of various IPP mailing list notes
- https://www.pwg.org/archives/ipp/2020/020801.html
-- IPP Enterprise Printing Extensions v2.0: Restrict Job Release to only
those that support spooling?
- https://www.pwg.org/archives/ipp/2020/020802.html
-- RFC 8890 The Internet is for End Users
- https://www.pwg.org/archives/ipp/2020/020805.html
-- Fwd: [info] GitHub's report on open-source security

(4) Status of AMSC and ISO liaisons w/ PWG (Paul)
- http://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/general/sc/pwg-sc-call-minutes-20201116.htm
- http://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/general/sc/pwg-sc-call-minutes-20201130.htm
- http://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/general/sc/pwg-sc-call-minutes-20201214.htm
-- see PWG Steering Committee minutes from 11/16/20, 11/30/20, 12/14/20

(5) Status of PWG and IPP WG Formal Approvals and Last Calls (All)
* IPP Everywhere v1.1 Printer Self-Certification Tools Update 2 (Mike)
- https://www.pwg.org/archives/ipp/2020/020687.html
-- IPP WG Last Call started 10/07/22 ended on 10/22/20
-- Reports from 3 people that the tools work
-- Lexmark had feedback about the document format tests - for Update 3
-- IPP Everywhere v1.1 Self-Cert Tools Update 2 approved on 10/22/20

* Job Accounting for IPP v1.0 (Mike)
- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/wd-ippaccounting10-20201120.pdf
- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/lcrc-ippaccounting10.txt
-- Stable draft - for a Best Practice
-- PWG Last Call started 10/08/20 ended 11/06/20
-- IPP WG approval on 3 December 2020
-- Mike to start PWG Formal Vote of Job Accounting start 01/04/21 end
-- Schedule - PWG Formal Vote in Q1 2021

(6) Review of IPP WG Charter (Ira)
- https://www.pwg.org/archives/ipp/2020/020809.html
- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/wd-ipp-charter-20201208-rev.pdf
-- Interim draft - for new work items
-- PWG discussion at PWG November F2F on 3 November 2020
-- IPP WG review on 3 December 2020
-- Schedule - IPP WG and PWG approval in Q1 2021

(8) Status or Review of IPP Enterprise Printing Ext v2.0 (Smith)
- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/wd-ippepx20-20201029-rev.pdf
-- Interim draft - for a Candidate Standard
-- PWG review at PWG Virtual F2F on 4 November 2020
-- stopped at end of section 6
-- Schedule - Prototype draft in Q1 2021

(9) Status or Review of IPP Driverless Printing Extensions v2.0 (Smith)
- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd-ippnodriver20-20201029-rev.pdf
- https://www.pwg.org/archives/ipp/2020/020760.html
-- "client-info-col" proposal
- https://www.pwg.org/archives/ipp/2020/020761.html
-- print quality presets and processing attributes
- https://www.pwg.org/archives/ipp/2020/020777.html
-- RFC: Add "printer-serial-number (text(255))" to NODRIVER
-- Interim draft - for a Candidate Standard
-- PWG review at PWG Virtual F2F on 4 November 2020
-- stopped at end of section 4.4
-- Schedule - Prototype draft in Q2 2021

(10) Status of recent IPP Wiki Pages (Mike)
-- IPP Everywhere Value Proposition Discussion Points
-- PWG discussion at PWG Virtual F2F on 18 August 2020
- https://www.pwg.org/archives/ipp/2020/020773.html
-- Wiki page started for errata discussions
-- Added on 20 November 2020

(11) Status of various IPP documents (All)
* IPP Production Printing Ext v2.0 (Mike)
- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/wd-ippppx20-20201029-rev.pdf
-- Prototype draft - for a Candidate Standard
-- PWG review at PWG Virtual F2F on 3 November 2020
-- Just waiting on prototyping in ippsample
-- Schedule - Stable draft in Q1 2021

* IPP Encrypted Jobs and Documents v1.0 (Mike/Smith)
- https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/wd-ipptrustnoone10-20200218-rev.pdf
-- Prototype draft - for a Candidate Standard
-- PWG discussion at PWG Virtual F2F on 3 November 2020
-- Schedule - Prototyping and Stable draft in Q3 2021

* IPP 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 Update (Mike/Ira)
- https://github.com/istopwg/ippsample/wiki/Planned-PWG-Errata-Updates
-- Major update - for a Candidate Standard
-- PWG discussion at PWG Virtual F2F on 3 November 2020
-- Schedule - Initial draft in Q3 2021

* IPP Everywhere v2.0 (Mike)
- https://github.com/istopwg/ippsample/wiki/Planned-PWG-Errata-Updates
-- Major update - for a Candidate Standard
-- PWG discussion at PWG Virtual F2F on 3 November 2020
-- Schedule - TBD

(12) Open Printing update (Ira)
- https://openprinting.github.io
- https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc
- https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs
- https://communitybridge.org/
- https://openprinting.github.io/OpenPrinting-News-December-2020/
- https://github.com/OpenPrinting/cups/releases/tag/v2.3.3op1
- https://github.com/michaelrsweet/pappl/releases/tag/v1.0.0
- https://github.com/OpenPrinting/cups-filters/releases/tag/1.28.6

- CUPS OpenPrinting v2.3.3op1 - released on 27 November 2020
-- First release in CUPS OP fork (until Apple resumes support for CUPS).
-- Already made it into Debian unstable and will soon get merged into
Ubuntu Hirsute Hippo (21.04).
-- Also, the CUPS Snap is updated to this version of CUPS OP.

- PAPPL v1.0.0 - released on 12/11/20
-- First stable release of PAPPL is now available for download.
-- PAPPL is a simple C-based framework/library for developing CUPS Printer
Applications, which are the recommended replacement for traditional printer

- CUPS Filters v1.28.6 - released on 12/02/20
-- Bug fix release.

- OP GSoC (Google Season of Code) 2020 - completed on 09/08/20
-- 1 student dropped out in July (project continued in LFMP).
-- 1 student failed at end of August (project continued in LFMP).
-- All other OP GSoC 2020 projects were successful

- OP GSoC 2021 - planning - in progress
-- Currently looking for project ideas for next year’s GSoC.
-- Student projects will only be half the time (6 weeks).

- OP GSoD (Google Season of Docs) 2020 - completed on 12/05/20
 -- 1 student made excellent progress on Printer Applications documentation.

- LFMP (Linux Foundation Mentorship Program) - completed in December 2020
-- IPP Scan - 2 students made good progress.
-- IPP FaxOut - 2 students dropped out in October and November 2020.

- OP Steering Committee
-- OP monthly calls 11/10/20, 12/08/20, and upcoming 01/05/21.

- By mid-January 2021, we need to send PWG ideas for GSoC 2021 to
OpenPrinting, since they need to decide what projects to pursue for GSoC
-- Scope has to be much smaller, because the span of the projects (spin up
to ending) is now 6 weeks.

(13) Next IPP Meetings

- IPP WG call on Thu 31 December 2020
-- CANCELED due to holidays

- IPP WG call on Thu 14 January 2021 at 3:00-4:30pm US Eastern
-- IPP WG regular call

- IPP WG call on Thu 28 January 2021 at 3:00-4:30pm US Eastern
-- review IPP WG slides for PWG February 2021 F2F

- Ira

*Ira McDonald (Musician / Software Architect)*

*Chair - SAE Trust Anchors and Authentication TF*
*Co-Chair - TCG Trusted Mobility Solutions WG*

*Co-Chair - TCG Metadata Access Protocol SG*

*Chair - Linux Foundation Open Printing WGSecretary - IEEE-ISTO Printer
Working GroupCo-Chair - IEEE-ISTO PWG Internet Printing Protocol WGIETF
Designated Expert - IPP & Printer MIBBlue Roof Music / High North
<http://sites.google.com/site/highnorthinc>mailto: blueroofmusic at gmail.com
<blueroofmusic at gmail.com>(permanent) PO Box 221  Grand Marais, MI 49839
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