[IPP] [IPP Everywhere Self-Certification] IPP Everywhere v1.1 Printer Self-Certification Tools: Second release candidate posted

[IPP] [IPP Everywhere Self-Certification] IPP Everywhere v1.1 Printer Self-Certification Tools: Second release candidate posted

Michael Sweet msweet at msweet.org
Tue May 26 02:10:40 UTC 2020


Sorry for the broken links.  I also posted another update for the Windows MSI installer package on Friday and now have confirmation that the Windows tools now install and run correctly.  Here are the corrected links:


> On May 21, 2020, at 5:33 PM, Michael Sweet via ippeveselfcert <ippeveselfcert at pwg.org> wrote:
> All,
> I have posted a second release candidate of the IPP Everywhere v1.1 Printer Self-Certifications Tools to:
> 	https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/sw-ippeveselfcert11-macos.zip
> 	https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/sw-ippeveselfcert11-rhel.tar.gz
> 	https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/sw-ippeveselfcert11-ubuntu.tar.gz
> 	https://ftp.pwg.org/pub/pwg/ipp/wd/sw-ippeveselfcert11-windows.msi
> These release candidates fix the following issues:
> - Issue #47: Test for finishings support should define HAVE_FINISHINGS if "finishings-supported" has value other than 3 (none)
> - Issue #48: HAVE_IDENTIFY_PRINTER isn't defined prior to test I-9 that uses it
> - Issue #50: Relax Get-Printer-Attributes tests
> - Issue #51: Add "strict" mode for Get-Printer-Attributes tests
> Please test these tools prior to the next IPP workgroup meeting on June 4, 2020 at 3pm ET so that we can approve both the tools and the new specifications.
> Thank you!
> ________________________
> Michael Sweet
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Michael Sweet

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