[IPP] IPP WG Last Call: IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions v1.1 (Ends February 13, 2020)

[IPP] IPP WG Last Call: IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions v1.1 (Ends February 13, 2020)

Rizzo, Christopher Christopher.Rizzo at xerox.com
Thu Feb 13 19:06:44 UTC 2020

Apologies - 1 other question:

Should printer-requested-job-attributes be mentioned in regard to adding job-account-id or job-accounting-user-id when one or both of these may be supported but optional?  (ie - job-accounting-user-id present in printer-mandatory-job-attributes because can't print without it, but job-account-id in printer-requested-job-attributes because it is optional, but can print without it).


Christopher Rizzo
Xerox Corporation
GDG/Discovery/Advance Technology
26600 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9251
Phone: (585) 314-6936
Email: Christopher.Rizzo at xerox.com

"The realization came over me with full force that a good part of the remainder of my life was going to be spent in finding errors in my own programs."
-Maurice Wilkes, Memoirs of a Computer Pioneer

From: Christopher Rizzo <Christopher.Rizzo at xerox.com>
Date: Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 11:02 AM
To: Michael Sweet <msweet at msweet.org>, PWG Workgroup <ipp at pwg.org>
Subject: Re: [IPP] IPP WG Last Call: IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions v1.1 (Ends February 13, 2020)

Just some comments on this.  Hope not too late:

1. Line 230: "Use existing the existing IPP" should be "Use the existing IPP"
2. Should section 6.2 include job-account-id and job-accounting-user-id or not because they're in PWG 5100.7 (this spec only defining previously undefined attributes)?
3. Should section 6.4 include job-account-id-supported, job-accounting-user-id-supported, job-account-id-default and job-accounting-user-id-default or not because they're in PWG 5100.7 (this spec only defining previously undefined attributes)?

Other than these questions, no issues.


Christopher Rizzo
Xerox Corporation
GDG/Discovery/Advance Technology
26600 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9251
Phone: (585) 314-6936
Email: Christopher.Rizzo at xerox.com

"The realization came over me with full force that a good part of the remainder of my life was going to be spent in finding errors in my own programs."
-Maurice Wilkes, Memoirs of a Computer Pioneer

From: ipp <ipp-bounces at pwg.org> on behalf of PWG Workgroup <ipp at pwg.org>
Reply-To: Michael Sweet <msweet at msweet.org>
Date: Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 1:39 PM
To: PWG Workgroup <ipp at pwg.org>
Subject: [IPP] IPP WG Last Call: IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions v1.1 (Ends February 13, 2020)

[This Last Call starts today, January 30, 2020 and ends at 10pm PST on February 13, 2020]


This message starts the IPP workgroup Last Call of the IPP Transaction-Based Printing Extensions v1.1 specification, available at:


This document defines extensions to the Internet Printing Protocol that support the business transaction logic needed for paid, PIN, release, and quota-based printing through local and commercial services.

This is an errata update of PWG 5100.16-2013.

Please reply to this message with any feedback, which we can review at the following IPP workgroup conference call.


Michael Sweet

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