FW: [IPP] Please explain the use of "preferred" attributes

FW: [IPP] Please explain the use of "preferred" attributes

Petrie, Glen glen.petrie at eitc.epson.com
Tue Nov 1 20:10:02 UTC 2011



Ops, I forgot to address the mail note to you specifically and copy the
ipp list.  I was hoping you help with the answer.






From: ipp-bounces at pwg.org [mailto:ipp-bounces at pwg.org] On Behalf Of
Petrie, Glen
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2011 12:38 PM
To: ipp at pwg.org
Subject: [IPP] Please explain the use of "preferred" attributes


Discussion on wd-ippjobprinterext3v10-20111013


In Section 6.4 I don't understand the idea of "... the Printer would
prefer to use".  Does this the Printer will override Job Ticket values?
While, the printer has limitation or constraints which are reported in
the capability information; what does it mean when the printer has
"copies-preferred" (section 5.3.2) - does this mean the User wants 3
copies but the Printer prefers to only print 2 !!!  Very Strange.
There could be a concept of "recommended" attributes that would apply to
a very small set of attributes (copies is not one of them) and would be
presented to the User in such a way as to identify it as "recommended".

*      The same comment applies to almost all the other "preferred"





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