I have some question about upcoming IPP bake off 3.
Please answer the following questions.(Peter-san?)
1)We are going to attend with our copier based MFP which requires 15-20A 115V power.
IS it possible to be provided. such a power?
2) The MFP machine also requires some set-up procedure by our service engineers(not a engineers who
attend the IPP bake-off.)
The size of the MFP machine is approx 1.2m(W)x 1m(D9x1.2m(H),and it also requires some
space for the service engineers to set up.
Can such a space be provided? And also we want to bring it in on 10/15(before 10/16) for set up if possible.
Is it possible?
3)Please inform us the address where we send the machine to.
4)How many ports are provided for each company?
5)How many taps for power are provided for each company?
6) Is the special mailing list is set up for IPP-Bake off for detail communication?
Because we are not familiar with bake-off,please answer the above question.
Best Regards.
Shigeru Ueda
Canon(ueda.shigeru at canon.co.jp)