> Note that Adobe Acrobat Reader is NOT built by MS,
> Netscape or any other browser manufacturer. It's
> just a simple application reader utility.
>> [...snip...]
>> NOTHING at all has to be done by a browser
> manufacturer to enable this - it's just a new
> MIME type that is connected to a well-known app in
> the end user's environment when the end user
> installs the reader app.
So each and every desktop client will have to install
this "free" software. Not exactly the kind of "standard
infrastructure support" one typically expects today.
> Among other useful goals, the current IPP Open Source
> Client activity could quite easily produce and
> freely distribute (like Acrobat Reader) this app.
Interesting you should bring this up. How is this
effort going? The last time I attended a phone
conference on this topic (some months ago?), it
didn't seem to get anywhere. Does anyone have an
update on this?
(I'd offer to do an Open Source IPP email notification
applet/widget/whatever, but frankly, I'm up to my eyebrows
trying to finish my IPP implementation...sometime in
Q3 of 2007. ;-)
> By the way, QualDocs is going to very badly need
> machine-readable IPP notifications over email or
> it's never going to work gracefully to extend the
> current IETF Internet Fax standards - they're all
> based on email notifications.
Can you (or someone) give the DL a thumbnail sketch
of the kinds of email notifications that must be
delivered by QUALDOCS?
I mean, are they as simple as "Job Done", or
"Sorry, No Way". Or are they as fine-grained
as "Now Imaging ScanLine #2438" or "Checking
Available Toner Supply"?
And does the IETF Internet Fax standards include
machine-readable content or plain text?