Hi folks,
As of Friday (28 April 2000) some overzealous Sharp system admin
deleted the email account that they had *just* set up for my
offsite summer work - this will get resolved, but probably not
for another week or more - for now, if you want me to see mail
please send a copy to my Xerox address (return of this note
and see below).
Nancy and I are now in Ann Arbor, Michigan and plan to reach
home in time for me to call in to the IPP WG Telecon this
Wednesday (10 May 2000).
Best regards to all,
- Ira McDonald, consulting architect at Xerox and Sharp
High North Inc
imcdonal at sdsp.mc.xerox.com (Ira at Xerox)
906-494-2434 (work w/ voice mail)
906-494-2697 (home w/ voice mail)