XP Mail Archive: Re: XP> XHTML-Print: change of url from xht

Re: XP> XHTML-Print: change of url from xhtml-print.org to w3c.org breaks current implementations.

From: elliott.bradshaw@zoran.com
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 15:28:40 EDT

  • Next message: BIGELOW,JIM (HP-Boise,ex1): "XP> RE: XHTML-Print: change of url from xhtml-print.org to w3c.org br eaks (PR#6869)"

    Don is going to remind us (as well he should) that the URL is not used for
    a live retrieval from that server. So a redirect doesn't work.

    So I think this is, technically, an incompatible change. But I think it's
    one we could live with.


    Elliott Bradshaw
    Director, Software Engineering
    Zoran Imaging Group (formerly Oak Technology Imaging Group)
    781 638-7534

                        (HP-Boise,ex1) To: www-html-editor@w3.org
                        " cc: xp@pwg.org
                        <jim.bigelow@h Subject: XP> XHTML-Print: change of url from
                        p.com> xhtml-print.org to w3c.org breaks current
                        Sent by: implementations.
                        02:02 PM

    The W3C Last Call Working Draft of XHTML-Print [1] changes the URL in the
    DOCTYPE from
    "http://www.xhtml-print.org/xhtml-print/xhtml-print10.dtd" to

    This breaks compatibility with existing implementations. Can this situation
    be handled by redirecting the xhtml-print.org url to the w3.org url? If
    how is this done?

    [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-xhtml-print-20030729/

    Jim Bigelow

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Thu Sep 04 2003 - 15:31:21 EDT

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