XP Mail Archive: XP> XHTML-Print issue 6: charset" para

XP> XHTML-Print issue 6: charset" parameter of XHTML

From: BIGELOW,JIM (HP-Boise,ex1) (jim.bigelow@hp.com)
Date: Mon Jan 06 2003 - 19:50:57 EST

  • Next message: BIGELOW,JIM (HP-Boise,ex1): "XP> Request for discussion of the interactions of EXIF orientation ma rkers and a CSS image orientation property"


    The January 6, 2003 version of the XHTML-Print spec has an issue number 6
    (http://www.pwg.org/hypermail/xp/0133.html). At issue is the question of
    whether the description of the usage of the optional charset parameter
    provide with the MIME type, should be section 3.1
    "text/xml" of RFC3023 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3023.txt) or section 3.2
    "application/xml" of RFC3023.

    Don Wright said "I thought we closed this issue at the last meeting?" in
    message http://www.pwg.org/hypermail/xp/0130.html. If found that this issue
    was discussed and settled last April
    http://www.pwg.org/xhtml-print/minutes/Minutes-April-17-2002.txt see "MIME

      ""charset" has identical semantics to charset in
      "application/xml" (RFC3023); 3023 explains why this
      is "more authoritative" than the corresponding XML

    Therefore, I will change the reference as Fujisawa-san suggested in
    http://www.pwg.org/hypermail/xp/0076.html and close the issue.

    Jim Bigelow,
    Editor: XHTML-Print & CSS Print Profile
    IEEE, Printer Working Group

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Mon Jan 06 2003 - 19:51:05 EST