1. Current development status of the UPDF specification and the host implementations
This will include some demonstrations to the extent that everybody feels confident with the current level.
Review of command sequences. No more job settings.
2. Locales
2.1. Mandatory strings
2.2. Driver strings
2.3. New sections: Error messages, etc.???
Final decision.
3. Halftoning
Final decision.
4. Raster graphic and color
We have prepared a real proposal.
Target is to agree to this proposal, probably in a reviewed version.
Further smaller changes are expected during host implementation, especially in the area of color.
5. User interface structure
Do we want that as part of level 1?
6. Some ideas
Although not planned for level 1, we think about some ideas from time to time, as there are:
Interleaving, Hooks, Bidirectional communication.
7. Outlook
One more conference considered necessary (Portland?) for technical closure of spec.
A second one possible with concentration on documentation.
Finishing procedures, last call, etc for UPDF level 1.
Business plan for host implementations.
Elaborated device descriptions from IHV required.
See you tomorrow
Norbert Schade
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