UPD Mail Archive: UPD> registered parameters

UPD> registered parameters

From: Norbert Schade (norbertschade@oaktech.com)
Date: Fri Nov 10 2000 - 10:22:52 EST

  • Next message: Mark VanderWiele/Austin/IBM: "Re: UPD> registered parameters"

    Some operating systems insist to be informed about certain features.
    Print media sizes are a good sample.
    A universal client/driver has to know about all predefined parameters for
    all features any OS is interested in. There is no way around it!
    There are two ways to go:
    1. A universal description like UPDF lists all keywords for all OS (the list
    is not too big) and offers the developer of the description a list of
    predefined parameters.
    For the sample print media size this could come out as a combo for
    registered MS Windows parameters. There could be another combo for McIntosh
    parameters and other combos, if Linux has new requirements.
    2. We use a common reference and leave the conversion from the common
    reference to the OS specific one to the client/driver. In this case the list
    MUST be a superset of all registered parameters for all features in all OS.
    2a. In the last UPDF conference we were talking about using registered IPP
    values as a common reference.
    The question is whether IPP wants to extend their lists to the required
    For the sample print media sizes MS Windows is supporting about a good 100
    predefined values, which of course then all must be supported.
    2b. Theoretically there is the chance that the UPDF group makes up its own
    But we want to be very careful not to confuse developers with just another
    list of parameters.

    As far as I know the list includes the following features:
    Print media size
    Page orientation
    Print media source
    Print media type

    There some more when it comes to Print quality or Font handling like
    download formats.

    In Boston the UPDF group requested to find out how much IPP can and will
    provide the necessary list. That would require to extend some lists and
    maybe create new ones in IPP.
    It is to be discussed whether this would just be a merge of all known
    predefined parameters or IPP tries to sort out doubles and minimize the list
    as much as possible. This would leave some responsibility (and chances for
    error) to the driver developer.
    I need feedback on this during the upcoming week.

    Selection 1 would leave that responsibility to the developer of the UPDF.
    He'd have to do some more entries, but has more flexibility on the other
    hand to specify a certain feature exactly as he wants.
    It would be easier for driver developers. They'd just read the proper field
    for their announcements.

    We have to decide on this the next days. It is an important detail in the
    UPDF spec.
    So please provide your comments in the distributor.

    Norbert Schade

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b29 : Fri Nov 10 2000 - 10:34:22 EST

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