Date: Thu Dec 06 2007 - 15:50:05 EST
The PWG December face-to-face meeting will be held December 11-12 in
Austin, Texas, at a Dell facility north of Austin.
The meetings will be held both days in the Dell Technical Briefing
Center (TBC) in the Parmer South campus. (The Parmer South campus, NOT
the Round Rock campus.)
- The Parmer South campus is about 20 miles north of the airport, about
12 miles north of the center of town. Parmer Lane crosses interstate
I-35. It is also designated as Rt. 734 on some road signs.
- The TBC itself is in the link between the S.2 (PS2) and S.3 (PS3)
buildings, shown on the detail map.
- There is visitor parking directly in front of the link between the two
Here is an overview of the area roads:
Here is a detailed map and agenda:
The meetings start promptly at 9:00 AM both days. Breakfast and lunch
will be provided.
Hope to see you there. If you have any problems finding it, please call
my cell phone at 603-557-3118.
Richard_Landau(at)dell(dot)com, Stds & System Mgt Architecture, CTO
+1-512-728-9023, One Dell Way, RR5-3, MS RR5-09, Round Rock, TX 78682
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