PWG-ANNOUNCE> Proposed PWG 2005 dates

From: Harry Lewis (
Date: Wed Jul 07 2004 - 16:34:01 EDT

It is not too early to be thinking about the 2005 schedule. We will do our
best to align with P2600 as there is significant overlap in attendees and
potential semantic alignment issues. Don has taken the lead and proposed
the following schedule... trying to avoid major holidays etc. PWG may not
need quite as many f2f meetings... we can adjust this. Please indicate
asap if you see a major problem with any of the proposed dates. I will
present this information at the Montreal plenary and attempt to lock it in
at the Lexington meeting in October.

Jan 13-14 -- Probably Maui, Hawaii
Feb 24-25 --
April 5-6 -- Shooting for Tokyo
May 19-20 --
July 14-15 -- SFO, San Jose
Sept 15-16 --
Oct 27-28 --
Dec 12-13 --
Harry Lewis
Chairman - IEEE-ISTO Printer Working Group
IBM Printing Systems

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