Fw: PWG-ANNOUNCE> Reminder: Last Call for Character Repertoire documents

From: elliott.bradshaw@zoran.com
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 11:53:51 EDT

Reminder: tomorrow is the end of Last Call for these CR documents. Please
try to get any comments in by then.

So far we have one Issue:

CR ISSUE 1. Unicode normalization.

http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr15/ and other documents define
several mechanisms for mapping characters, for example replacing a
character+accent pair with a single accented character. Should the CR
documents say anything about this? Some possibilities include:

A. Pick one or more normalization scheme, and state that if a printer
advertises support for some characters it also implicitly supports the
normalized equivalent character(s).
B. State that there is no implicit normalization. A printer must
separately advertise support for each version that it supports. Clients
may not assume the normalized version is suported unless it is advertised.
C. No statement.

Chair's recommendation: B.


Elliott Bradshaw
Director, Software Engineering
Zoran Imaging Division (formerly Oak Technology Imaging Group)
781 638-7534

----- Forwarded by Elliott Bradshaw/oaktech/us on 09/30/2003 11:44 AM -----
                    @zoran.com To: pwg-announce@pwg.org
                    Sent by: cc:
                    owner-pwg-announ Subject: PWG-ANNOUNCE> Last Call for Character
                    ce@pwg.org Repertoire documents
                    09/16/2003 03:42

PWG folks,

I have posted these updated documents:

  -Working Draft: The Printer Working Group RepertoireSupported Element

  -Best Practices for use of the RepertoireSupported Element

These incorporate changes based on the Portland face-to-face.

In the Best Practices I have changed the term "basic repertoire" to
"well-known repertoire". This has been the subject of long debate, and
that's the best I can come up with. If you think another term is better
let us know.

My intention is to wrap these up. Therefore, the plan is:

1. Last Call for these documents begins today, and ends Wednesday, October
2. At the NYC meeting (and on the reflector) we will discuss any issues
raised during Last Call
3. Afterwards I will call for a formal vote to make the first document a
Candidate Standard; how to bless the Best Practices is TBD.

Please send your comments on these documents to me or the CR reflector.

I plan that this will be the last face-to-face for this project.



Elliott Bradshaw
Director, Software Engineering
Zoran Imaging Group (formerly Oak Technology Imaging Group)
781 638-7534

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