From: Hastings, Tom N (
Date: Mon Aug 16 1999 - 22:26:50 EDT

I agree with the sentiment expressed in several email messages. I think we
should try meeting every two months, for six total meetings, next year and
see how it works out.

While I love to go to Bar Harbor, it is a long long way...

I also question Miami.

I'd like to try Chicago with a meeting at one of the hotels at the airport.
Lets see if that works out to be easy for most folks. Detroit is hard to
get to.

And I think that Japan needs to be polled to see who would go and who would
not, before deciding. Copenhagen had the advantage that the IETF meeting
was the following week for those that go to that. However, the attendance
was down, I understand. But some new people came that wouldn't normally
come. Same for Japan.

Where and when are the IETF meetings next year?


-----Original Message-----
From: Hugo Parra []
Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 15:12
Subject: RE: PWG-ANNOUNCE> PWG Y2K Schedule

I like the idea of a PWG meeting every other month. Maybe we should take a
poll during Wednesday's plenary meeting.

>>> Sandra Matts <> 08/16/99 02:30PM >>>
Is it necessary to meet every 6 weeks? Traveling
is expensive to some of these places and email
is more cost effective. I've been told that other
standards bodies meet less often.

Is it possible to meet every 8 weeks instead?

Sandra Matts

Sandra Matts
Engineer Scientist
(208) 396-4755 phone
(208) 396-5161 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, July 30, 1999 2:40 PM
Subject: PWG-ANNOUNCE> PWG Y2K Schedule

It is about that time of year... time to start thinking about the year 2000
meeting schedule. I received some input from a couple of people and I
added my
2 cents worth to get this proposal. I have only listed the date of the
meeting... I have assumed an all week schedule starting then.

January 24 Hawaii
March 6 San Antionio, TX
April 9 Osaka or Tokyo
May 22 New York City
July 10 Portland OR
August 21 Chicago/Detroit
September 25 Bar Harbor, Maine
October 30 San Diego
December 11 Miami

As far as Holidays go, I think I avoided:

Purim, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Hanukkah, Palm Sunday, Easter,

Also missed Election Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving(US),
Independence Day (US)

With my luck, I probably landed on every Japanese holiday and somebody
else's so
please let me know!

* Don Wright *
* Director, Strategic & Technical Alliances *
* Lexmark International *
* 740 New Circle Rd *
* Lexington, Ky 40550 *
* 606-232-4808 (phone) 606-232-6740 (fax) *

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