PMP Mail Archive: PMP> Request to add unknown(2) to PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC

PMP> Request to add unknown(2) to PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC

Tom Hastings (
Wed, 2 Jul 1997 16:03:19 PDT

Printer MIB editor,

For use in the Job Monitoring MIB, all enums need to have
an unknown(2) value, to cover the case when the agent doesn't know
the value. Fortunately, the Printer MIB either used 2 for unknown or
didn't allocate 2.

Now the Job Monitoring MIB needs unknown(2) to be added to the
PrtInterpreterLangFamilyTC in the Printer MIB.


The new definition will start off with:

This value is a type 2 enumeration."



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