Bob Pentecost
From: Harry Lewis[]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 1997 4:04 PM
Subject: PMP> prtAlertTime issue
Guess I'd like to *strongly* recommend that every device with the =
printer MIB
supports sysUpTime.
I recall, rather vividly, the reason we chose sysUp was to acknowledge =
many (most?) printers would not have a "real time" clock. But, the =
premise has
always been that all printers could count ticks.
I can see where there could be problems associated with sysUpTime, one =
comes to mind is printers might not be real consistent (among vendors) =
as to
how they treat sysUpTime on power cycles, remote resets, local resets =
etc. But,
I thought the notion of synching with the printers sysUpTime on the =
trap was a rather fundamental notion.
Now, what if there *is no* sysUpTime (the original question)? Well, if =
there is
no meaningful value, I guess 0 is about as good as any.
>>> Harry Lewis <<<
------- Forwarded by Harry Lewis/Boulder/IBM on 06/06/97 03:14 PM =
06/06/97 01:54 PM
Please respond to @ internet
To: @ internet
Subject: PMP> prtAlertTime issue
Lloyd referenced an earlier mail message by Bob Pentecost reflecting a
request by Bob as to
what value should be returned by a GET for prtAlertTime if the printer
didn't know the time.
Values for INTEGER types have (other) and (unknown) as possible values.
The 'TimeTicks'
object has no such equivalents. prtAlertTime is now mandatory, and is
based on sysUpTime
from MIB-II. If someone performs a GET on prtAlertTime (according the
curent definition),
then it MUST return a valid value. There are no alternative 'other' or
'unknown' scenarios
for an object like prtAlertTime, with type 'TimeTicks' that is based on
MIB-II sysUpTime.