PMP Mail Archive: PMP> Schedule for submission of last Internet Draft

PMP> Schedule for submission of last Internet Draft

Lloyd Young (
16 Apr 97 9:40:54 EDT

This schedule was developed at our Printer MIB working group
meeting in Austin. It is contained in Harry's meeting minutes
but I wanted to publish it in a separate e-mail so everyone
is aware of the schedule we are operating under.

All review current internet draft and send comments to PWG by Friday, 4/18
All changes, clarifications etc. to Randy by Friday, May 2
New Internet Draft issued Friday, May 16
Last draft published to PMP 5/16
All PMP review this draft by 5/30 (editorial comments only)
IETF submission Monday, 6/2.

There are a few dates that I wanted to emphasize:

May 2nd - This is the last date that any changes and/or additions
to the Printer MIB will be accepted. If you have any
outstanding work items from the interoperability testing
where you are proposing any wording changes to the MIB,
these changes must be finalized by this date. This does
not mean that on May 2nd, you can propose some new wording
to be discussed later. Final means final, any wording
changes must be agreed to by consensus of the whole
group before May 2nd. Any changes not agreed to by the
working group by May 2nd will not be included in the
Printer MIB.
May 16th - A new draft of the Printer MIB will be issued to the
Printer MIB working group only.
May 30th - Editorial type comments ONLY to the May 16th revision
will be accepted up to this date. By editorial comments,
I mean misspelled words, wrong punctation, etc.

I will be setting up some conference calls where we will have the
opportunity to work through any proposed changes.

We have all worked on the Printer MIB long enough. It is time to shut
this work down so we can get busy implementing what we have proposed.

Lloyd Young Lexmark International, Inc.
Senior Program Manager Dept. C14L/Bldg. 035-3
Strategic Alliances 740 New Circle Road NW
internet: Lexington, KY 40550
Phone: (606) 232-5150 Fax: (606) 232-6740