I had an informal action item from the last meeting to work on a meeting
schedule for the working group for the rest of 2001. Here's my proposal:
MAR 6 - 7 (Dallas) Co-located with T10
APR 23 - 27 (Portland, OR) Co-located with 1394 PWG
JUN 4 - 8 (Toronto) Co-located with 1394 PWG
JUL 17 - 18 (Colorado Springs) Co-located with T10
AUG 27 - 31 (location not yet determined)
OCT 2 - 5 (location not yet determined)
NOV 6 - 7 (Monterey) Co-located with T10
DEC 10 - 14 (location not yet determined)
When a range of five days is indicated above, the intent is to pick two
consecutive days within the week. When we co-locate with a group like the
1394 PWG, not all days of the week may be available. Express your
preferences and I'll do my bests to accommodate them.
Because some active participants in SBP-3 (including, but not limited to,
me) have schedules jam-packed with other meetings, it may not be possible
to accommodate everyone, every time, without conflict. The schedule above
is well-balanced in terms of the spacing of the meetings. Please mention
any schedule conflicts you may have, either directly to me or on the
reflector. We'll do the best we can.
Once the meeting dates are reasonably well fixed, I'll work to arrange
hosts and locations for the as yet undetermined slots above. I'll try to
preserve geographical balance and remain mindful of climate. That is, no
Houston meetings in August and no Chicago meetings in December!
Peter Johansson
Project Leader, SBP-3
Congruent Software, Inc.
98 Colorado Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94707
(510) 527-3926
(510) 527-3856 FAX
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