P1394 Mail Archive: P1394> PING list for PWG meetings

P1394> PING list for PWG meetings

Keith Carter (carterk@us.ibm.com)
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 15:25:20 -0500

Attached is the current ping list for the PWG meetings. I did not request
pings for the UPD meeting at 7:00PM CST on Tuesday, March 3 - whomever is
interested, please show up at the Texas 5 meeting room.

Have a super day,

Keith Carter
Senior Software Engineer
IBM Network Computing Software Division in Austin, Texas
internet email: carterk@us.ibm.com
Notes email: Keith Carter/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
phone: 512-838-2155
tie-line: 678-2155
fax: 512-838-0169


Name Company PWG Hyatt? Arrive Depart

Chuck Adams Tektronix 3/4-6 Y 3/3 3/6
Shivaun Albright HP 3/4-5 Y 3/3 3/5
Carlos Becerra HP 3/6 Y 3/5 3/6
Ron Bergman Dataproducts 3/4-6 Y 3/3 3/6
Brian Batchelder HP 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/4
Alan Berkema HP 3/2-3 N - - - -
Keith Carter IBM 3/4-5 N - - - -
Roger deBry IBM 3/4-5 Y 3/3 3/5
Mabry Dozier QMS Inc. 3/4-6 Y 3/3 3/6
Mark Edmead Warp Nine 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/4
Lee Farrell Canon 3/2-6 Y 3/1 3/6
Richard Hart Digital 3/4-6 Y 3/3 3/6
Tom Hastings XEROX 3/4-6 Y 3/3 3/6
Marvin Heffler IBM 3/4-5 N - - - -
Bob Herriot SUN 3/4-5 Y 3/3 3/6
Osamu Hirata Canon 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/4
Stephen Holmstead HP 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/3
Henrik Holst i-data Int'l 3/2-5 Y 3/1 3/6
Takashi Isoda Canon 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/5
Scott Isaacson Novell 3/4-5 Y 3/3 3/5
David Kellerman Northlake SW 3/4-6 Y 3/3 3/6
Greg LeClair EPSON 3/2-4 Y 3/1 3/4
Harry Lewis IBM 3/4-6 Y 3/3 3/6
Carl-Uno Manros XEROX 3/4-5 Y 3/3 3/5
Jay Martin Underscore 3/4-5 Y 3/3 3/6
Peter Michalek Shinesoft 3/4-5 N - - - -
Paul Moore Microsoft 3/4 Y 3/3 3/4
Yoshinori Murakami EPSON 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/4
Fumio Nagasaka EPSON 3/2-4 Y 3/1 3/5
Bob Pentecost HP 3/4-6 Y 3/3 3/6
Yuji Sasaki - - - - 3/2-5 N - - - -
Kris Schoff HP 3/4-5 ? ? ?
Hitoshi Sekine Microsoft 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/4
Akihiro Shimura Canon 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/5
Greg Shue HP 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/3
Larry Stein Warp Nine 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/4
Philip Thambidurai Okidata 3/3-5 Y 3/2 3/6
Jerry Thrasher Lexmark 3/2-3 Y 3/1 3/4
Randy Turner Sharp Labs 3/2-5 Y 3/1 3/6
Bill Wagner OSICOM/DPI 3/2-6 Y 3/2 3/6
Jim Walker DAZEL 3/4-6 N - - - -
Don Wright Lexmark 3/2-6 Y 3/1 3/6
Lloyd Young Lexmark 3/4-6 Y 3/3 3/6
Peter Zehler XEROX 3/4-5 Y 3/3 3/6

PWG Meeting Confirmed Attendance by Date

3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6
20 21 32 29 14

Additional people who might attend. I do not know which meetings they will

Mike Fenelon Microsoft ? ? ? ?
? Shockey JRL Systems ? N - - - -